Very cute!
Congrats! Which characters do you normally play with?
It’d be the opposite of this. If 1 in 10 people is missing 1 limb, the average would be 3.9 limbs (39 limbs divided by 10 people). If you arranged everyone by limb count, the 5th and 6th person both have 4 limbs, which would be the median.
Am I having deja vu or is this a repost from a few weeks ago?
There was a time when we thought the movie Iron Sky was a satirical comedy. We may end up with Nazis colonizing space after all…
When was the second coming of Yoshi prophesied in the holy texts?
Hi, everybody!
Did you go to Hollywood Upstairs Medical College, too?
Have you felt this way before? Are you stressed or tired? The short of it is you probably want to mention it to your doctor. You might be starting to show signs of a couple issues, including schizophrenia.
Here’s the google ai answer about possible causes, so take this with a grain of salt: "Feeling a presence in the room" is commonly referred to as a "felt presence" in psychology, which means experiencing the sensation that someone else is in the room with you, even though there is no physical evidence of another person being present; it's essentially a psychological phenomenon where you feel like someone is there without seeing or hearing them.
Key points about felt presence:
Not a hallucination:
While it might feel like a hallucination, a felt presence isn't considered one because it's not experienced through the five senses, but rather as a general feeling.
Possible causes:
- Stress or anxiety: Extreme stress or anxiety can trigger the feeling of a presence.
- Grief or bereavement: People often report feeling a presence of a deceased loved one.
- Sleep deprivation: When falling asleep or waking up, the brain can sometimes create this sensation.
- Neurological conditions: Certain neurological conditions like Parkinson's disease or epilepsy can also lead to felt presence experiences.
- Mental health conditions: Individuals with psychosis or schizophrenia may experience frequent felt presences.
What to do if you experience a felt presence:
Assess your mental state:
Consider if you are under significant stress, experiencing grief, or having sleep disturbances which could be contributing to the feeling.
Relaxation techniques:
Try relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation to manage anxiety.
Seek professional help:
If the feeling is persistent, distressing, or accompanied by other symptoms, consult a mental health professional to explore potential underlying causes.
It’s simple! Feed a man for a day and he’ll just be hungry tomorrow… Starve a man to death and he’ll never need to eat again!
I’m interested to see how these changes feel. I had enjoyed the perks from the Halloween game mode, so I’m hesitantly looking forward to trying these out
Bernie already runs as an Independent!