
joined 3 years ago
[–] 3 points 1 week ago

This is encouraging. Thank you.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

I really like CMT Orange blades. I had a 2 year old blade that seemed to have a defect in the finish and when I contacted them, they immediately asked for my address to send a replacement blade.


Anybody got any suggestions for a good print-screen / screenshot app?

I'm using the default of Swappy right now and it doesn't really suit my needs.

The MacOS screenshot app is my ideal.

[–] 15 points 3 weeks ago

SDR is Standard Dynamic Range. This is how most media is viewed and has been viewed for decades, typically in the Rec709 color space. 99% of consumer devices display in SDR.

HDR is a newer technology that expands the dynamic range passed Rec709 color space. It requires an HDR capable screen to display HDR content and most content is not distributed in this format, although this has been changing in the last few years.

I personally find HDR kind of a gimmick, but my point is that HDR != HD. SDR/HDR describe contrast ratios and how many colors are rendered. SD/HD describe resolution.

The chart does show them downgrading the plans from 4K/UHD to HD though.

[–] 20 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

The wiki entry has a chart which shows all plans have access to HD content. Is the chart wrong or did the contributor confuse SD with SDR?

Either way fuck HBO.


Call me paranoid but why do the staff on a lot of private trackers seem so interested in what other trackers you have accounts with?

Most of the time when you apply with a new tracker or have to re-apply due to inactivity it feels like you're being interrogated by the feds.

From the perspective of a private tracker, why are they so pushy about that? And can they know if you're lying?

The implication seems like, "we all talk to each other and if you lie to me you lose all of your accounts".

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Settle down, partner.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago (4 children)

First thing I tried but I think you need to provide it with your YouTube login cookie to download age restricted content.


I realize this is a really silly request, but I absolutely refuse to watch YouTube videos without a proxy frontend let alone logging into a google account.

I've been wanting to watch dnsl's "Fallout RP is serious business" but it's age restricted.

Does anybody know either of a way to bypass the age restriction or can just send me the video? I've tried everything I know short of giving in and signing into YouTube.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

I use nginx for static websites and TLS passthrough servers.

I use traefik as a reverse proxy for sites with many services and SSO.

Nginx is definitely easier to configure for simple things. But I prefer traefik for more complex setups.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Love the simplicity and self reliance to this solution. Thanks

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Haven't made it yet but am planning a very basic HTML input for name, email, and message with a submit button and some css styling.


I'm looking for a simple way to make my contact form functional. So far it seems like emailjs would do the trick.

I'm curious if there are any other recommendations? What would you use and why?

Realistically I can't see the form getting more than a dozen submissions per month.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

To my frustration, I've tried both your method with ISC and a run_script hook with Kea, and pfsense just overwrites the custom configs. There's a PR on their github but it's been sitting there for months.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

That's a really good point. Thank you.

ISC DHCP is still used though it may be phased out in a future update. I'm going to take your approach and see how it goes.


I'm looking to automate/script my pfsense wireguard tunnels so that each wireguard tunnel only goes up if there are one or more clients connected to the subnet associated with that tunnel and goes down once all clients have disconnected. I was wondering if there is already a plugin that accomplishes this or can be adapted, otherwise what is best practice for running scripts on the pfsense box?

My initial thought was to have a cronjob monitor the various DHCP servers for each subnet, then initiate a script to connect the associated wireguard tunnel if it detects any active DHCP leases on that subnet.

I have multiple subnets on this box, each with it's own wireguard gateway. I like the idea of only making the VPN connection if there is a client calling for it.

[–] 5 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Are you sure you're not getting your measurements wrong? In my experience most table saw blades are 1/8". 1/4" is pretty thick for a blade that isn't a dado stack. They make blades even thinner than 1/8" that are perfectly safe as long as they're used within their rated rpms.

I've routed grooves before on a handful of projects. A router with a template will make things easier if you have many grooves. If its only a few, a table saw is fine. The problem with the table saw is the time it will take to adjust the fence for each new cut.


I run a qemu/KVM setup in which I have different VMs for different use cases/profiles. Very similar in theory to something like Qubes OS. So far when I want to swap to another VM I have to first un-fullscreen, then click the other VM display window and fullscreen that. I was beginning to work on hotkeys and scripts to allow switching between VMs by assigning Ctrl+NumPad# to specific VMs and then having the triggered VM appear in full screen. But I'm imagining there's probably already a VM display manager that streamlines this.

Does anybody have any suggestions?

The biggest factor is that the display needs to be responsive as I'm using these VMs for daily tasks.

Bonus points if the display manager can output a variable for the currently focused VM so I can script the keyboard backlight to change to an assigned color as well as change the power profile of the base operating system to match the currently highlighted VM better.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

I accidentally attempted to SSH into one of my servers from a device that did not contain my ssh key. I configure all of my servers to only allow authentication via cryptographic keys. Root ssh as well as password auth are disabled.

To my surprise, I was able to log in to my server with a password despite this. Baffled, I first tried some other servers. 2 of the 5 other servers I tried were accessabke via password.

After some swift investigation the culprit was found, a cloud-init ssh config in sshd_config.d/ with one line: password_authentication Yes.

So TLDR PSA....if you run a server in any type of virtualized environment, including a VPS, check your /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/ folder. And more broadly, actually thoroughly test your ssh access to confirm everything is working as you intend it to.


I'm curious what the benefits are of paying for SSL certificates vs using a free provider such as letsencrypt.

What exactly are you trusting a cert provider with and what are the security implications? What attack vectors do you open yourself up to when trusting a certificate authority with your websites' certificates?

In what way could it benefit security and/or privacy to utilize a paid service?

And finally, which paid SSL providers are considered trustworthy?

I know Digicert is a big player, but their prices are insane. Comodo seems like a good affordable option, but is it a trustworthy company?


For those of you that know, I'm trying to find a niche community, forum, chat room, whatever of individuals that could give me some pointers on cracking an OFX plugin. My knowledge ends at simple standalone exes and the communities I know of seem largely focused on game cracking.

If you know of a community that you think would help me on my journey, feel free to share. You can also send me a private message if you need to be discrete.


What do you recommend for an at-a-glance access log dashboard? Kibana and Grafana seem cool but overkill.

All I want is a dashboard that can ingest and parse syslogs from various services and neatly display a list of currently connected IPs and usernames if applicable as well as a IP connection history.


With the EOL of PVEv7 and my need for more storage space, I've decided to migrate my VMs to a larger set of drives.

I have PVE installed baremetal on a dell r720 RAID1 SSDs. I'm a bit nervous about the migration.

I plan on swapping the SSDs, installing PVE8 from scratch, then restoring VMs from backup.

Should I encounter an issue, am I able to swap the old RAID1 SSDs back in, or once I configure the new ones are the old drives done for? I'm managing RAID on a dell RAID controller.

I also have my data hard drives passed directly into a TrueNAS VM which supplies other VMs via NFS. Is there anything I should be concerned about when I've migrated, such as errors re-passing the data drives to the TrueNAS VM. Or should everything just work again?

Is there a master PVE config file I can download before swapping drives that I can reference when configuring the new PVE install?


Is there something like Spotify Downloader or yt-dlp for Lidarr?

I got spotify playlists imported into Lidarr, but the artists I listen to don't seem to have any torrents.

I don't mind the quality hit of something like spotifydownloader which pulls from youtube. Is there anything like that or yt-dlp integrated into Lidarr for automated downloads?

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