I really like CMT Orange blades. I had a 2 year old blade that seemed to have a defect in the finish and when I contacted them, they immediately asked for my address to send a replacement blade.
SDR is Standard Dynamic Range. This is how most media is viewed and has been viewed for decades, typically in the Rec709 color space. 99% of consumer devices display in SDR.
HDR is a newer technology that expands the dynamic range passed Rec709 color space. It requires an HDR capable screen to display HDR content and most content is not distributed in this format, although this has been changing in the last few years.
I personally find HDR kind of a gimmick, but my point is that HDR != HD. SDR/HDR describe contrast ratios and how many colors are rendered. SD/HD describe resolution.
The chart does show them downgrading the plans from 4K/UHD to HD though.
Are you sure you're not getting your measurements wrong? In my experience most table saw blades are 1/8". 1/4" is pretty thick for a blade that isn't a dado stack. They make blades even thinner than 1/8" that are perfectly safe as long as they're used within their rated rpms.
I've routed grooves before on a handful of projects. A router with a template will make things easier if you have many grooves. If its only a few, a table saw is fine. The problem with the table saw is the time it will take to adjust the fence for each new cut.
This is encouraging. Thank you.