But you can't "derail" a bunker. And the point of the ending was that neither capitalism not communism are the answer.
joined 2 months ago
It's a shame that movie wasn't closer to the book. The ending is way more epic.
I disagree
She is also a doppelganger.
Studios should use 8D sound in this kind of movies when released for home viewing.
Any movie "based on the novel...". Almost always the novel is butchered.
I was cheering for the aliens after half an hour. I'm not seeing another trilogy of the same thing.
Imagine a timeline where Lucas didn't chicken out with Darth Jar Jar.
Snow Piercer is not about a train. It's about capitalism, communism, revolutions and anarchism. The train is the capitalist world and the final message is anarchist.
Instagram? Microsoft?
The newer ones (E and F) use the GE F414G.
The question should be then what ARM CPU compares to current RISC-V best CPU and see the gap in years.