It’s about time to boycott the fuck out of those Nazi boot lickers
This has been making the rounds before, but I think it’s ridiculous to bring it up. There is a reason nobody is touching Russians assets in the West. Touching property is not something considered a political tool. It’s the foundation of the capitalist system. They are not going to blow it up because of some tariffs.
It’s the age of stinginess
Something, something…Roger Stone
Well, you’re welcome to post irrelevant questions again
Yeah, no one got the message , that’s why it’s turned inside out, and become an even scarier monster. That would be the message, thank you.
so basically, severing people from reality on social media, kinda destroyed whatever hold the Russians might have had over Trump, because nobody would believe it anymore.
Hell is round the corner where I shelter
Ism's and schisms
we're living helter skelter