Who needs security vetting procedure, amirite? The president said they're cool, and who's more trustworthy than the president???
"What's your super power?"
"I suck villains dry!"
*uncontrollable snickering*
"No, not like that! Stupid, immature humans... I sneak into villains lairs and suck them dry! They never even know what got them!"
*hysterical laughter*
He's a genius, after all... A very stable genius.
Make it an even 6 with The Fox and The Hound!
Just show them the animated Lord of the Rings, Neverending Story, and then finish it off with The Dark Crystal... They'll be ready for anything.
I keep mine in an old gift card tin along with my draft card, previous ID cards, backup insurance cards, and a couple other things.
Uniball Signo 207
Writes easy and the ink is bold and dries fast. Comfortable enough for having to write 7 pages of client notes every night, even with my arthritic hands.
Just finishing up Strange Weather right now and have Full Throttle waiting to go.
If there's anything good to be seen in what's going on right now it's that Trump, Musk, and the rest of the regime can't help but shout the quiet part from rooftops. Let Musk go on... Eventually, even the hardcore Republicans are going to get sick of this travesty. Hopefully anyway...
Just FYI, there are a number of controllers out there for people who only have the use of one hand that are relatively cheap. I don't always have the use of both hands, and I can definitely say that it's possible to learn to use regular controllers effectively one handed as well. Both the Logitech F710 and the 8Bitdo Pro 2 work really well in my opinion. People have laughed at me, but the 8bitdo Zero 2 surprisingly works really well too, but is much more limited for inputs and thus, more suited to retro games.
If this isn't already illegal, it should be...
What pisses me off is that search algorithms are so broken now that if I do a search on the legality of petition bribery, all I get is more news articles about Musk bribing people! Which, I guess, is pretty telling in and of itself...
I really hope that we can get all this trailer trash out soon...
What a disgrace.