I would NEVER criticize Dennis Prager for impairing his ability to reproduce.
Sure, there will always be some number of people who support whatever evil shit he does, but it's nowhere near half. Hopefully, the things he's doing will activate people who normally tune out, because this is getting very serious, along with the people who did support him but are getting disillusioned. As ridiculous as it seems, their presence at town halls shows that, for some reason, a lot of people trusted him not to do this shit when they voted for him.
I want to agree with you, but why can't he? The courts aren't saying, "You can send these people to El Salvador because immigrants have fewer rights." The courts are saying, "They have rights, you can't send them there," and his admin is ignoring them. What's to stop an attempt to deport citizens?
I don't want to be blackpilled, but public backlash hasn't amounted to enough. Hopefully a greater public backlash will matter, but it seems like people don't recognize how dire the situation really is.
What they don't seem to realize is that Mangione himself isn't all that important. Whether they kill him or successfully vilify him, in a few years people won't be thinking about the man himself all that much. Their continued hardship will be what they think about, and as long as it's the capital class's fault, the anger will keep growing.
Immigrants are being loaded onto planes and shipped off to places they probably won't return from - without having even been accused of a crime, much less tried in court. Supporters of the president don't care because they're immigrants.
Now swap "immigrants" with "jews", "planes" with "trains", and "president" with "chancellor", and what do you get?
Every strategy from his generation of Democrat boils down to "let's not do anything."