What happens if they refuse or just plank like they do in China?
Who do you think is the runner up that doesn't have the deficiency you're suggesting? You'd think the survey would be localized to whatever it is should understood as "happiness" however its defined for everyone else
Any Finns wanna share what you think you're doing right from your experience?
it’s about trust, connection and knowing people have your back
That seems likely. Its hard to be happy or feel safe in precarity
Twisters gonna twist
Citizens' houses too?
They know what they did, there
AOC and Bernie are the gold standards. Be great if the bootlickers became un-nominatable and unelectable. Would definitey settle for at most NOMINALized
The ADL is fully composed of Semitic bias so they're not exactly more desirable if everyone's gonna throw around the B-word
I never go further than just talk haha
Im annoyed that Doug Ford keeps making me hate him less, wtf? Can't be sure its not bullshit but god I hope so
Doesnt even seem safe to self-deport. Still gotta to through the customs to get out dont they?