I hear you, brother. I'm in Alberta too, but never been interested in guns; I'm waiting for my PAL to be approved as we speak. My parents and in-laws are terrified and upset about their grandkids potential futures. I'm talking to them daily to try to calm them down. We're angry all the time, and now filling with anxiety about the upcoming election, because we all see the lies and bullshit tied to money, power, and ignorance starting...
Voivod in the news? Neato they're my favourite French Canadian metal band!
Too bad no one who can make a difference gives a shit in the DPRA.
Raven Truck Accessories makes caps and is super Canadian, based in Edmonton.
I long press a user name to edit and set tags, including my own!
I feel you though, I never used to bother too much with settings and purposefully stuck to defaults unless I had an issue, but since I've been using more FOSS apps I'm finding my defaults mantra to be very limiting. Many times I can have a great experience with ten minutes of tinkering I wasn't willing to do before.
The short version is Voyager will also keep track of how many times I've up or down voted someone once user tagging is enabled. That's killer because it naturally tags users I've come into contact with even if I didn't set a specific tag for them. Then I start to recognize users from my up and down votes and maybe set a specific tag from there.
I still have Connect installed, I used it for my first year here since it was a close experience to Relay For Reddit, and the Dev is Canadian. I like the way Connect looks a little better, and it has a much nicer comment draft/preview system.
After running both together for a while, I found Voyager's entire user tagging system, with tracking and a summary of all tags and votes I've set, to be extremely valuable info. It has a lot of great features like Connect, but it's FOSS as well, so maybe a higher chance someone will improve the features I use in the future. I have stuck with it now for the last 9 months or so, it's great.
Explain how a client-side note that I personally set to remind me of information I learned about someone a bad idea that will ruin Lemmy?
Don't forget to tag yourself!
Find a Lemmy app that has user tagging (I use Voyager, and previously Connect) and when you see these users make a note of each one with a red tag so they stand out when you're browsing.
You'll start to see the bastards turning up in all kinds of conversations as well as posting ridiculous shit. That's what I did with the Russian/American trolls/bots during the american election. Very enlightening to see in a political thread who the repeat offender shit-disturbers are so you can down vote, argue with, or report them instead of blocking them and allowing their infection to spread.
Tagging is handy for nice people as well; the community of people around you on Lemmy starts to look more familiar, smaller, and friendlier than you realize, and dick heads become easier to spot.
Is this from the Incredible Cross Sections books? I think that's what they were called. Same era and art style as Where's Waldo (Wally) books.
When will Commerce Secretary Sputnik shill for Windows 11 on Fox?