God bless soulseek
They don't, there were and potentially still are plans to add the ability to listen at CD quality, but it's been almost 3 years since the announcement so I highly doubt it's coming anymore. It also would've been 20 USD, at that price I would rather use Spotify premium for it's playlist features and Qobuz for it's fidelity for that price.
You can also get a decaffeinated tea as well to drink
I go to the same college as she did, I didn't know her as I'm two years above her. There is currently a makeshift memorial set up in memory of her where they held the vigil the day after she was shot. What was really surreal was driving around close to where she was shot was just seeing people walking around like nothing had happened, just continuing on with their lives. I felt this same way the day of the Covenant shooting, which was less than a year ago now. I honestly think that the only way this senseless gun violence will end is if someone shoots up the capitol (pls note I do not plan on this or that this is a call to action). I wish we didn't have to deal with this but the gun culture has become to ingrained that I wonder how many innocent lives we'll go through before it ends.
I don't agree with AR being Midwest, but I bet you that 10 percent of people in TN are those that live right next to Missouri
I bet you that 10 percent are the people who are in the very northwest corner of TN so it would make some sense for them to answer yes given that they're not far from Missouri.
Elephant CD? Hell yeah!
That writer's joke... oof. What a bad time for that joke to air
I was wrong it's wayyyyyy worse than 58,000 it's 84 mil
In the article I was reading about it, out of their millions of vids, they only had 118, compared to FB's in-house number of 58,000. It's hard to notice under vast amounts of legal content. I will also say it's likely that these were vids of teens not actual children, making it easier to slip by
In Dec. 2020, Pornhub had to purge any videos uploaded by unverified accounts due to the amount of revenge porn and child SA content that were up on the site, as well as the group who spearheaded the campaign being a Christian anti-porn group. They made such a racket that all the major credit companies were going to not allow any transactions made to PH go through. This lead PH to make all videos from unverified accounts inacessible, albeit temporarily, as well as removing videos that violated their guidelines. Many vids to this day haven't come back up.
Well, Calvin did say "Being miserable builds character" when impersonating his dad.