No they don't care about that. They know foreign governments do that all the time on Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, etc. This is about protecting lobbyists' business interests, and right now the biggest lobbyists and campain contributors are also tik tok's competitors.
Everywhere on the internet is America
The website has a graph for that and for protein as well. It's pretty neat
You know you can follow people on tiktok right? The "following" page only shows peoples videos you follow in the order in which they were uploaded
I can tell you it's algorithm sucks in comparison for me
How effective is it this year, anyone know? I got mine and the new COVID shot around the same time early October
The sun does weird stuff to melatonin and teenage brains are weird
You also have to have a reasonable belief the company representative is authorized to do whatever they're doing to be entitled to it.
Ain't nothing hidden at the airport. It's as secure as the bus
I kinda feel like speeding tickets don't interfere with the goal of getting drivers off the road, probably even help a little.
It doesn't have to be. Speeding tickets probably should scale with wealth.
Idk why you would need textual evidence besides the Bible to be certain the guy existed. It's not like these are magical books that sprung from the earth. They have historical reasons for existing and the most likely reason includes the existence of the dude.