Rolling Stone had an article about this show saying their reviews on Rotten Tomatoes were really suspect. They didn’t come to any conclusion but sounds like lots of Astro-turfing to try to make it look like audiences liked the show. Sounds like it’s utter trash!
My friend asked me if I wanted a frozen banana. I said 'No, but I want a regular banana later, so... yeah.'
-Mitch Hedberg
Or trying to get government contracts. Could be innocent but seems like a pretty specific mistake with side benefits.
Y’all need to fucking vote blue in every election to stop this shit. No third party shit, no “both sides,” no “my vote doesn’t matter.” If you actually want to stop this kind of stuff, you have to vote for democrats in every election.
She is a strong black woman. That is reason enough for people. They will come up with other reasons, just like Hillary. You will hear a lot of “I will vote for a woman. Just notmthat woman.” Or, “I just don’t like her.” It’s all bullshit. They don’t want to promote a woman.
Do people really say money doesn’t matter?
That is awesome. I don’t get why people don’t want to serve on juries anyway? It’s a civic duty and it will probably be only once in your life. It’s an interesting experience!