I think some of them are legit trying to speed run the rapture. Trump checks many of the antichrist boxes.
Yup. "They rigged the election and now I'm president again."
So fucking nonchalantly too.
He straight up admitted on air that the election was rigged, and there hasn't been a peep from anyone
Unrealized gains means that the investment vehicle has increased in value since it was purchased, but hasn't been sold at that value. Every type of investment is going to have either unrealized gains or losses until it's sold.
So, one guy is going to go around arresting top officials of a dictatorship?
It's helpful to point out to people that following established rules doesn't work when the people in power disregard them with impunity.
There's not going to be a legal or political uno reverse card that will stop what's happening. The only established mechanism that still exists to get us out of this is if the military does its duty and protects us from the domestic threat to the constitution.
But, with Trump replacing the joint chiefs and top JAG members, I'm not betting on that happening.
People need to stop living in the fantasy of, "we just have to wait it out for 2-4 years."
Who enforces those subpoenas? Who enforces the contempt charges? Trump is in charge of all of the enforcement mechanisms.
Yes, he's very happy about that
There will be no end of the term. Fascism doesn't just step aside when it's term ends.
Why do you think flipping the house matters? We're living in a dictatorship.
We need a tax on unrealized gains over a certain amount (as to not screw the 99%).
I'd throw a party.