Once, twice, three times a coward...🎵
I fail to see the significance of not being dominant in bullshit generation, which is OpenAIs specialty.
Non-LLM machine learning is more interesting, but "write me a poem about how you're my loving ai waifu" is just not a strategic resource.
Oops, oh well. I very much hope it's over, asshole.
Very hot. Thanks for sharing.
I'm a bi woman, but am assuming that if you're into dudes you'd also have zero problem getting plenty of attention from that quarter as well.
The ACA helped a lot of people. And it has clear provisions that you can point to a before and after. "Pre-existing conditions can not deny care".
The economy under Biden wasn't as bad as it could have been. But that's about it. Most people suffered, and the D's attempt to gaslight people into thinking that things weren't so bad partially cost them the election.
"Bidenomics" is a slogan not a policy. I don't think anybody, including the Republicans using the term, can point to anything it actually means, other than FJB.
We need people telling at them, and we need people politely approaching them with the same policies.
A game of good constituent/bad constituent, if you will.
My Democratic rep has had two town halls, huge feisty crowds for both.
Man y'all have clearly never eaten in Lyon...
They're the ones who like this stuff!
No thanks, I'd like an actual progressive for once.
This is uncut Colombian flake purer than pure Pablo-grade evangelical Christianity right here.
This is a real blow if you enjoy corporations throwing a parade to celebrate young athletic cis white gay men.