This is Trumpian Statistics. If you don't measure it, it doesn't happen/exist. Same as he wanted for COVID testing.
joined 2 years ago
I bet the leaks will accelerate with this current administration.
At this rate America may become the next Cuba complete with embargos
But there are only 2 genders, no in-between
Also what version of the amd drivers do you have. And have you tried to download the newest ones from AMDs website.
Holes: The Country.
I hope it succeeds. A positive game about diversity and inclusion in this economy.
Look at all their lips. See how they look like they are ready to kiss or suck something? Now look at Pichai. Just smiling instead of getting ready to receive a load. He bent the knee, but not far enough.
Phew, 2 ways to read it and they may both be wrong.
Glass condoms don't sound like a good idea.
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Women reading? Sounds like witchcraft.