I think it might be the way her fingers are holding that box
the pile consumes all
Why dies it have to be such a pain?
Intentionally bad, if you buy Apple you're supposed to use iCloud and never, ever leave the ecosystem.
We have no annual inspections, only limited emissions tests inside two major metro areas.
University boards and administration don't care about students, it's all about empire building and increasing personal salaries.
Oregon does all commercial vehicles based on weight-mile-axle taxes. More weight, more axles, more miles, all increase the tax burden proportionally. Then you buy PUC credited diesel with no state gas tax. Works fine and can be extended to electric vehicles fine.
The issue I'll take with it is the filing and monitoring system they'll try to make private citizens do, which options are limited to either direct government GPS tracking (fuckkkk no) or an inefficient bureaucratic hellhole of odometer pictures (will cost additional tens of millions to administer). The Oregon system works fine because commercial vehicles are fairly strictly regulated, but that will break down with the general public.
No terrorism, just normal infrastructure collapse of a failing stagnating state.
This makes more sense when they show that image of his social media post.
It wasn't about the tattoo or the rock out hand gesture. It was skin color.
It is unclear whether it was by accident or intent
Lmao. It's as clear as a pane of glass...
They don't care that it might disproportionately affect their base anymore, because they now think they don't need their base of pesky voters.
So Plex just killed itself? Got it. Lmao bye Felicia nobody's paying the middleman for shit they are hosting on their OWN FUCKING HARDWARE.
"freeze peach" supporters as soon as you say one (1) thing that disagrees with their viewpoint