Feel better, friend.
Me, too. It's like a perfect snapshot of the post-9/11 country music scene I was forced to endure growing up.
But in addition to that, it always felt incongruous with Archer's character. He's 41 at the start of Enterprise. This is a song about how he's been struggling for so long and no one is going to hold him back because of his faith, but the whole story is how they held his father back his whole life, and they've successfully held Archer back until he's middle-aged.
As a 38-year-old, lemme tell ya. If faith didn't get you through the door at 20, it ain't faith getting you out the door at 41. It should've been a song about dogged determination in the face of adversity.
This is why my couch has two of those wireless charging spots on a fold-out middle console. It already has power because it's got two recliners built in, adding charging spots isn't very difficult.
When I tell people Lemmy is like the old internet, I'm going to use this specific comment chain to demonstrate it.
Makes me think they know how much we love the original.
The zipper in th3 back also helps if you have a big chest and don't want it bifurcated by a zipper.
And you can't put that same zipper (if it goes all the way up the back) on the side... if you have wide hips.
So at least that still has reason to exist.
Source: my own body and never wearing a front-faced zipper after seeing why we don't do that.
I do this with every post in Ye Power Tripping Bastards. I just can't stop myself.
I've actually said, "interesting if true," to stories I've gotten second-hand, and it works great because the person repeating the story will then hypothesize on the trustworthiness of the original storyteller.
My favorite reaction was, "Well, I heard it from (name), who we both know is a liar, but it was too funny not to share."
I once said to an employee, "Have a peaceful rest of your shift!" And he said, "You, too," and I didn't turn away fast enough and I watched his soul leave his body.
They popped up in a governance thread on the instance I'm part of, so I did a deep dive on their comments (as others had done on their posts and I thought I could get a better look at their POV if I went for comments) and they, at one point in the past, stated they worded their rules carefully. I believe this sort of thing is intentional, and bad faith.
But as they themselves said several times, they're right-wing, and a person can't help their biases! So the fact that they're intelligent and have no qualms with their biases, just means they're going to hard code their biases into any spaces they litigate. It's to be expected.
I would absolutely huff a beetle if it meant I could smell the buttercups without my face swelling up and my eyes pouring!
Like 6 good ones and a bunch of the same tired comments about poop knives, broken arms, same, this.
Here, at least most of the answers are real human beings trying to contribute to a conversation.