The spacing between "mis" and "take" is the only thing I can focus on in this meme.
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There's your answer, fishbulb.
Omg I've never thought of the etymology of mistake before
Messages from my friends are the one kind of message I don't do this on, because I'm way too online and also doing anything mean to my friends makes me feel way too guilty (and I mostly fuel my motivation through guilt and fear of failure)
I bet they appreciate that about you though.
And here i thought this was just me and it came from trauma. Is that really an ADHD thing? Especially with the quick self doubt?
It can also be a trauma thing. Not everything is ADHD.
If only i could get therapie for that 🥲
If your social contract afforded you some heathcare coverage, would there be enough professionals in your area still taking insurance? Or is there an undercut of missing psych graduations as part of the general trend once the pricetag inflation of higher education prices became clear some dozens years ago? Besides the labor price undercut in that field by sketchy insurance quanting of the officiation.
I am from germany so the costs arent an issue because that is covered by heath insurance.
I just cant find a therapist. Have to travel 2 hours to go to my psychiatrist only so i can get medication
I feel a preemptive pain when I receive a message, almost as if I’m going to get yelled at for taking too long to reply or for not fully understanding the message from every contextual angle possible to understand a hidden meaning that I’m supposed to infer from, or for expressing the wrong emotion/tone.
It even happens when I just see the message notification
I have a bad habit of getting into fights online and then not having enough energy for a high-intensity reply, or getting the resources needed to keep going, so I'll clear the notification and then just never go back to it.
I know it probably gives troll vibes sometimes which I hate but... I just remind myself that this isn't something I'm doing maliciously and try to forgive myself.
Same. I see the notifications and think "Oh no, here it comes..."
Usually it's surprisingly positive, but I skim the negative ones, and even think to myself "Yes, I do on fact mean exactly that", but I can't be arsed to respond.
ADHD-friendly TL;DR at the bottom.
There's actually a whole thing another being ADHD and starting or engaging in fights online. (Disclosure: I'm having some fog and can't remember if this is one of the trustworthy sites, but here is a link talking about it.
Basically, it's theorized that if the good brain chemicals are going to happen when we engage (including getting angry) then we're more likely to engage. If not, it's harder to be bothered.
It's why, even though I know I'm pressing more than i need to be, I engaged elsewhere on lemmy earlier today. I know that. I often sit for a moment or two and ask myself, "is this antagonistic to be antagonistic, or am I hoping this will actually make a point? Am I trying to provide more information for passersby, or am I just sure I'm "right" and trying to hammer that?"
To add to what you said, there's this point, at least for me, where I hit a conversation (or a fight or anything) and I'll see the reply, and maybe I could answer, but the brain has determined there is nothing to be gained from going further so I'm just not allowed to do it!
TL;DR So sorry for such a long answer. If brain decides there's not enough stimulation to justify the next-to-no-effort of typing a reply, the typing will not happen.
me too thanks