Aberdeen and Glasgow too tbh.
If it were a just world, nearly all US presidents would be tried at the Hauge.
You guys are gutting funding, unfortunately.
Good thing we just got a giant influx of users. ;) Play with how you sort things on the main page. Top 1 and 6 hour post are great for new content.
Drives are only getting cheaper. ;)
I live better and more cheaply here than I did in the US, to each their own.
Most countries welcome medical professionals with open arms. They are always shortlisted. ;)
PS: I love Slovenija, it is so pretty. I reccomend it too!
The world is looking to China too, their sciences are blossoming. Exciting times ahead while Americans decide who they are and want to be and eventually go through their own Enlightenment. Things are bad now, but tyrants always fall eventually. I think we are entering a sort of golden age for science.
Updating, tyvm.
They will decay within 2 years after hitting oxygen. Solution: Encase them in resin. Source: What I did with these pyrite fossils on my desk.