Wait, that's amazing. I want to do that now, but I'm 40 and I only have like 5 friends. I'm so hungry.
What I love is how many of them talk about, "he's just trolling," and it's like, even if he was, is that seriously what you want in a president? Now it's, "even if he is just trolling, this is a bad idea," as if there's ever a time that the fucking president treating international relations like a shitpost would be a good idea. These people are so, so stupid.
Puppy mills. Any time a breed gets popular, those pieces of shit will start breeding any two dogs they can find with no consideration for temperament or health, and idiots pay through the nose for them. Then they're shocked when the dog they were promised would be smart and affectionate is anxious and aggressive.
I had a rescue doodle that came from a puppy mill that shut down, and he was in horrific shape. He physically couldn't sit for probably a year because his hips were in so much pain. I took him to a groomer and she had to shave him before and after his bath because he was so filthy and matted. He jumped at every loud noise for years. He was also incredibly gentle and sweet once he trusted us, but it was clear that the woman who owned him only cared about the state of the puppies, and kept the parents in appalling conditions.
You can ask to have your titers checked. I did mine about 5 years ago when it first started being reported that dipshits were doing their best to bring back measles and I was still well in the immune range but I'm glad I had it done. I had to tell my doctor I was traveling internationally to a country with lower vax rates (I was) to get him to agree, but I'd imagine doctors would be happy to check now.
If we didn't have however many billions it is now of people, I'd be all about returning to that hunter gatherer life. Would it be really fucking hard? For sure. Would people die of dumb stuff? Ok maybe we keep like, antibiotics. But I bet cavemen never sat around like, "why am I even continuing to exist in this neverending capitalist nightmare?" They probably didn't wake up at 3 am every night for weeks because the dread overcame their exhaustion. I will join you in the bog.