is this some freeze peach bullshit i'm to european to understand?
hate speech, difamation, etc should be prosecuted. period.
is this some freeze peach bullshit i'm to european to understand?
hate speech, difamation, etc should be prosecuted. period.
when you create a post, you can select between text, link and image. i think that's what that button is about.
space caren, is that you?
they haven't reached windows xp feature set, as i understand. i think they are around win 2k.
but might become interesting for europe.
don't like them either, but i think people watch it because they get context.
they also get told, how they should feel about it. seems like people stoped making up their own mind. it's easier, i guess.
depends on the content, as well. an article needs a link, but i like it when the important part is quoted, so i don't have to click the link to follow the comments.
memes/images should be postet directly. no one will follow a link to a site with an image even mastodon etc. post the image and add the source. same goes for "social" media posts. post the screenshot and a link to the source, so i don't have to go to some nazi-site to get the information.
or just use syncthing, nextcloud, ect and stop supporting tech oligarchs.
you have to keep the time in mind, when it was published.
i played it with a friend on a weekend. prepared with lots of microwave popcorn.
it was not so much about the jump scears, but more the atmosphere. the sound of the radio, when a zombie was nearby, was nerve wrecking at times. then the other dimension (forgot the name)
and that was published on the playstation 1. for me it is like mgs, they tried to squeeze the last bit of performance out of the hardware.
i haven't played it since. so i don't know how it aged. but when it came out, there was bothing like that.
it's sad, that there is nothing in this comment i can't agree on.
but i think, IF (big one) op is able to eff out when things go belly up, they should absolutly scream from the rooftop.
thing is, that i know nothing about lgbtq+ in the us. here in germany the nazi party leader is in a lesbian partnership, so take what i say with not just a grain of salt.
BUT (also big one) this is how the big shit startet over here. nazis are not the real problem. it's the fear of the ordenary people to stick out. people need to realize, that their future will be uncertaint even if they fit the narrative for now. because there is no ending. lgbtq+, jewish, muslim, latino, black, women...
from this side of the pond it looks like you should think about having a plan b. like leaving the country plan b.
with that little asterisk in mind, i would say, op should feel the water. what is the mindset of other teachers, children, neighboors? are there other lgtbq+ people? what do they think you should do.
p.s.: it would be so emberassing if i had to stop reading after the first paragraph of the comment, wouldn't it?
that's that what they call every week, when a mass shooting happens, right?
"last week tonight" just published an episode on that topic
did you just aggregate links on a website to post that on a link aggregation website?