I finally got around to doing a full watchthrough of Key & Peele after only catching the occasional sporadic episode back in the day, and ended up stopping halfway in because my copies of the first two seasons were uncensored, but the only copy of Season 3 I could track down was still censored, and I found myself unable to abide the incessant bleeps while knowing full well that a world sans bleep was out there somewhere.
I've also given up on more shows than I care to admit because they switched streaming services and I forgot which episode I left off on.
"We've erected a 3-kilometer-long tied-arch bridge so people can get into and out of the Superior bay area quicker and easier, and we'll be dedicating it to World War II pilot Richard Bong."
"Okay, what are you calling it?"
"Right now we've got 'Dick Bong's Long, Curvaceous Erection for the Repeated Entering and Exiting of a Wet Superior Inlet.'"
"...We'll workshop it."
if anything they've reopened their account with Master Don