
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 27 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

Dude... Totally insane. I was saying for years this Gestapo shit was going on and was only getting worse. Absolutely horrifying to see this happening in my country after all the patriotic bullshit they blew up our asses about how great the United States was as a kid. I'm ashamed to be an American.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 13 hours ago

The lack of education was always the plan. Keep white, straight (press x for doubt) America poor and dumb and isolate them further into xenophobia or the closet until they want to wage war against anyone that isn't white and straight. Meanwhile, the oligarchs preying on that get to profit off of the dumb isolationist hive mind behavior these people exhibit. It's a pyramid scheme built on the foundations of bigotry and cynicism.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 13 hours ago

Yeah, the rest of the world forgets how many Ray-Ban and eagle and flag t-shirt wearing, truck driving, chubby, bearded, gym bro weirdos and how many vapid, bleached blonde, red lipstick wearing, pearl clutching Karen's there are in America. She's got their votes on lockdown.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago) (1 children)

It's all the juicing and human growth hormone that made her ugly head swell into a pumpkin doing most of the heavy lifting on her already shitty personality. This crazy bitch is a walking (on her fucked up hammer toes) roid rage ready to happen at any moment.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

Master Shake: Who are you?... What is this?

The Voice: It is the Broodwich, forged in darkness from wheat harvested in Hell's half-acre, baked by Beelzebub, slathered with mayonnaise beaten from the evil eggs of dark chicken forced into sauce by the hands of a one-eyed madman, cheese boiled from the rancid teat of a fanged cow, layered with six-hundred and sixty-six separate meats from an animal which has maggots for blood!

Frylock: (Long Pause) See... told ya.

Master Shake: I tasted mustard.

The Voice: Yeah... DIJON mustard!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

I am American. The answer is both a Yes and a No. It doesn't have so much to do with stupidity, but that our education system has been slowly dismantled since the 90's. Rather than teaching civics, critical thinking, and basic knowledge about government, economics and their inner workings we've setup a system that favors test scores and nothing else. Has that made people more stupid? Possibly, but I think it has more to do with only learning the answers rather than how to get there. There's just this huge in-between of information that a lot of people don't seem to be able to work out on their own without having a lot of hints of what the outcome will be. It saddens me to see people's gears just come to a grinding halt trying to work out simple solutions on things.

I think the biggest bane in America is our work culture. We've setup a dog eat dog system of trying to strive for the most success at any cost. Work culture in America is fickle, back stabby, and rife with favoritism over quality of work. The biggest lie we were ever told was that we could be the next Bill Gates, or Elon Musk, or some other rich billionaire mogul. The biggest lie we were ever told was to invest in the stock market and have a 401k. The biggest lie we were ever told is that if we worked our asses off that we'd automatically be successful. America is just a grindhouse that treats the working class like shit and unless you decide to be a bridge burning greedy fucking asshole you'll never really get anywhere with any real upward mobility.

Lastly, I will say that America and American's themselves has become more and more isolationist in the last couple of decades. Maybe it is social media and the echo chambers they cause. Maybe it is the fake friendships and feeling like you are just collecting trading cards instead of making real insightful and meaningful relationships. Maybe it is the dog eat dog work culture or the keeping up with the Jones's mentality of things like Instagram and Facebook. Maybe it is a bit of everything. The fact remains that there is a huge friendship pandemic in this country and it only gets worse and worse as many of us further isolate ourselves from reality, critical thinking, and the prospect of being really challenged by the people we could be surrounding ourselves with.

All of this has culminated in a culture that is becoming more work and money focused, less people and social relationship focused, and by and large more shallow and less well rounded and interesting overall. No generation is immune from it either. Whether you are young or old you can fall victim to all I've outlined above. Most people have let the technology and systems in place take away their freedom of thought and originality to instead become a husk of the human potential they once were or could be again because it is easier to fall prey to hive mind apathy and cynicism than to fight for your own uniqueness and truer sense of self.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

Especially when your partner is a vengeful mother figure that physically, emotionally, and spiritually destroys you over several years until you finally leave it all behind and recognize how empty your life has been and how much self blame was gaslit and manipulated out of you.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 1 day ago

Oh woe is me! Let's clutch our pearls and feel so sorry for the incel tech lords and crypto bros that brought this maniac authoritarian regime into power because now they're annoyed by his policies. Won't someone please pray for their capital trusts, mansions, nepobabies, and yachts! How will they survive with billions in property and means to escape when the little people tire of their shit and burn it all down?

Sarcasm aside I yearn for the day all these FAFO morons get utterly put in their places. Y'all got to ride high on extorting the working class and immigrant labor while you rubbed it in our faces. Fuck all of you, your lies, your fake unearned success, and your fake patriotism. Fuck all Nazis but six. Save them for pallbearers and when they're done burying the dead feed them to the dogs.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Does "The Book of Rage" count?

[–] [email protected] 20 points 2 days ago (7 children)

I tried to explain this exact notion to a therapist once that kept telling me to be the change I want to see and become an activist or an entrepreneur. With what? My looks? Hey.... You don't happen to have a million dollars of seed money you can give me to get started do you? They did not like my tone very much

[–] [email protected] 46 points 3 days ago (4 children)

I wonder how long Krasnov would burn if we set him on fire?

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