
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 10 months ago

Honestly, I really liked Zork. (I was the right age when it came out.). Never been as captivated by a game. More in the imagination than in the graphics.

I'll put Civilization V (and sometimes IV) in second place. Homeworld was great too.


Hi There - I wanted to ask a question that I've asked previously, but adding a gif to illustrate what I'm trying to say.

Is there a plugin that could accomplish this?

Cheers!   (Previous post)

Hi there - I’m trying to dive into neovim and I can’t figure out how to do a certain thing in visual block mode…

Is there a way to extend a cursor/block column down from a long line through a series of shorter lines such that the short lines extend to meet the cursor (thus letting you enter text all in a column)? All I can seem to get it to do is have the cursor go to the end of each line, leaving a set of entry points staggered over a different column positions.

I think the feature I want is called Virtual Space, but I’m not sure. I am sure, however, that I use this feature extensively in Ultra Edit and Notepad++ (and mssql mgmt studio and visual studio but not vscode!)

Is there an add on? A plugin? (bonus points if the entry points remain highlighted once going into insert mode after the block is selected?) I’ve seen suggestions to try using the ‘virtualedit’ setting, but unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to solve the issue. It only adds text to lines that are already of length greater or equal to the column position of the block selection. Unless I’m missing something.

(Adding a link to a vscode issue begging for the same feature. It might help illustrate the concept. - )

Would be grateful for help here. (bonus points is there’s a way to keep the cursor highlighted after the shift to insert mode…)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

You may be onto something.... /s

(I almost went with British Broadcorping Castration...)

[–] [email protected] 80 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (10 children)

So I looked them up with my Mastodon account to try to follow but quickly discovered that not all searches for 'BBC' lead to accounts related to the BBC...l.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

It drives me bonkers.

And, unfortunately, when I mention this issue I'm am frequently assured that I am mistaken and that there can be no issue. (paraphrasing).

It's a real problem - I live Firefox (with its standards compliance) but people didn't adhere. And here we are.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 year ago

As per Apple's wishes, I imagine.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

...terrible ceremony. But great reception!


Is there a way to create a post in sync for lemmy? I see a 'submit' button, but it just says 'coming soon'.

Im sure I'm missing something obvious.

(posting this from Liftoff...)


Is there a way to 'unhide' a post that was hidden by mistake?

I accidentally swiped a post too far in the new Sync app and there it was - gone.

Just not sure if there's an obvious way to unhide.


Hi there - large numbers are fun and I was learning about the Busy Beaver function which (theoretically) produces unfathomably large numbers by finding the maximum number of 1s written on a blank Turing machine tape out of the set of all n-state Turing machines that halt.

I was wondering if a conceptually more obvious, but larger variation could count the maximum number of steps taken before halting out of all n-state Turing machines that halt?

Would these numbesr not grow faster than the traditional Busy Beaver, since the number of steps will always be greater (or equal?) to the number of 1s written?

Obviously, the halting problem shows that we can't know beforehand if the machines will actually halt, but that issue is common to both versions.

Just curious if there is a reason the problem is not considered this way?

Any googologists out there with insights?


Quick question - In Mastodon, there is an option to set a "Timed Mute" on a user. Is there an equivalent in Lemmy?

If, for example, I am amused by a community generally but would like to suppress it for a while (maybe I've seen enough old memes or something?) to let a current fad pass but I don't want to block forever (and then forget about it), a timed mute could be just the ticket.

Thoughts. It'd be a definite nice-to-have feature.

(note - in error, I asked this question in "asklemmy" which was not the place to ask lemmy)


Pour one out for BaconReader. Gonna miss it. I find the official app pretty much unusable in comparison. I expect my redditing will drop to near zero in future. Sigh. Sure hope lemmy takes off...


Found this the other day... Rush - 8mm - 4K video - June 18, 1976 Oshawa Ontario Canada 2112 tour

Just amazing footage and even more amazing restoration of it.

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