Doesn't regret voting for Trump but wants help getting bond money. picardFacePalm.jpg
joined 2 years ago
you shoulf know that BBC uploaded a lot of their shows to internetarchive, even stuff like Monty Python and Sherlock (2010)
TIL that wasps are pollinators. Not sure why but growing up I was always informed that they are not. They were predators who did not provide honey and so there was no need for them to be near flowers for pollen. Either I’m old or I grew up in a really shorty education system. (WhyNotBoth.gif)
Thanks to this image I looked it up and learned something. Thanks for teaching me something new today!
So you would tell that child they are a mistake? Or are you referencing my comment that "doesn’t mean that caring for a child and loving them is a mistake" and thus caring for this child is a mistake?
Not putting word in your mouth, simply pointing out that you are responding to my comment by saying "it absolutely is a mistake."
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As much as I want more people and companies to, YouTube has a larger audience. They are already strained with everything they have to do, the last thing they need is to have to keep track of more places to post. If it’s a way to disseminate information then I’m all for it. Yes at some point they may have to, because YouTube might not let them but at the moment it has a far broad reach.