It really is. It sounds so simple and almost foolishly so...
But I find it very effective!
Romans were even more ridiculous in some ways.
A nobleman in Rome would be identified in inscriptions with not only the 3 names associated with himself, his family and his gens, but quite often by adding his father's and grandfather's names to the list. As well as names granted as titles.
Dudes would have like 10+ names in a list sometimes
They're taught that the long run is simply a succession of short runs and that therefore short term and long term economic thinking and planning are the same,which is,of course, glaringly wrong.
Anything to fill the insatiable hole in them where a soul would be in a real human.
They constantly fall under fallacies of composition or aggregation. To think in the aggregate and long term is largely thrown under the rug.
It's "right" for a single company to slash wages and gut employment to seek higher profit margins... But when every company does it, it ultimately destroys the capacity of the bottom to uphold the top and it collapses.
I hope the penalty is being drawn and quartered in Times Square live on national television