Yep! That was it
Isn't armageddon from Norse mythology? Or am I confused with another thing
Vance saying "I will say a prayer for victory" in a military group chat with two 🙏 reacts was not something I ever thought I'd see
I hope this is just a meme, but at this point I would also believe that this is how they actually talk to each other
Cool. Just gotta return the samples to earth. Should be easy
I heard of a forefox extension rceently calm AdNauseum that's sorta like that. Haven't tried it yet though
Is there any way I (someone with no stocks at all) can make the number go down?
The art and the music on their own are individual masterpieces. The game is also very good
"May". Yeah it absolutely fucking does
Man this is really specific. Can someone check if OP is still alive?
Woah, what do you do?
Huh. This was my first time seeing a 95 year old's mutilated penis and scrotum floating in formaldehide. Thanks (?) for sharing