Thanks for the response. That's the thing - I feel like they're big enough personalities on their own to get elected. AOC did it initially on a shoestring is my understanding and she's well past the point of having voter recognition.
Genuine question to our American friends:
How come Bernie, AOC, Crockett etc. don't start their own party? They can pledge to vote with the dems where it makes sense and they have enough political capital to continue getting elected. Seems like an ideal time to create a 3rd (actual alternative) party, no?
It might force the republicans to create an alt right and centre right party too which I feel would erode some of the alt right because from experience most Americans are not that alt right.
He's not far off my mother's age and she's doing great so I have that to compare to but jaaayyysus.... I would not want to be fighting as hard as he is at his age. Man deserves some rest.
Anyone reading this thinking he may actually have a chance: No.
Thankfully we're all still fairly rational and rapist right wing clowns don't get elected on anti-immigration platforms.
The contracts should be made with Europe, including self-sovereignty clauses.
99% sure SAAB offered this up front to try to differentiate themselves from the F35 but that's from memory.
The only issue is that Europe is still a while away from having a fifth gen or better fighter so if you want one then the F35 is the only currently available option.
What you're dealing with here is a grieving mother desperately trying to justify her actions so as to not add an unbearable guilt on top of unbearable sorrow.
There is no logic to be had here. It's all raw emotion.
Yeah all of those are definitely ones to be laughed along with, not stabs. I've been the recipient of a few bangers like that in my time and honestly really enjoy them.
I'd say the spaceship one in front of a crowded room of students stung a bit though even if the recipient was able to laugh along.
Some countries have a grandparents rule if that's any use to you. Ireland is one.
My understanding is that any protections like that only apply to citizens while at the border and not foreigners looking to travel.
It was a reasonable question given you didn't know. The oul down vote pile on was a bit much IMO but here we are.
There was supposed to be an agreement to stop hitting both types of infrastructure but only in the last day or so is my understanding.
Look, I've been to the states a good 7 or 8 times and I'm really very fond of the place and the people generally. That includes the, hands down, best summer of my life on a college visa.
I will not be going back there until shit calms down. I just can't gamble on the notion of spending weeks in a cold, overly bright shithole cell on the whim of anyone on the way through just for a holiday when I can spin over to any country in Europe and just get a smile and a "Welcome" from the border security on my way in.
It just wouldn't be a rational choice.
edit: I just want to add in that the EU pumps an enormous amount of money on the Erasmus scheme. If you're not in the know the idea is to get kids in college in one country to do a year of the course in another country in Europe. The only real goal of this is to make people realise that they're just like everyone else in Europe so we never have an internal war again and it is (along with a few other bits) the best money the EU spends IMO.