Even without sugar a lot of cereals are high in carbs from refined flower.
Yeah, they needed a shitload of money to pay Bobby Kotick apparently.
It's just depressingly vulgar.
I posted it here, read mode button in Firefox bypasses the NY Times paywall.
Sperm whales rattle off pulses of clicks while swimming together, raising the possibility that they’re communicating in a complex language.
Credit...Amanda Cotton
May 7, 2024
Ever since the discovery of whale songs almost 60 years ago, scientists have been trying to decipher their lyrics. Are the animals producing complex messages akin to human language? Or sharing simpler pieces of information, like dancing bees do? Or are they communicating something else we don’t yet understand?
In 2020, a team of marine biologists and computer scientists joined forces to analyze the click-clacking songs of sperm whales, the gray, block-shaped leviathans that swim in most of the world’s oceans. On Tuesday, the scientists reported that the whales use a much richer set of sounds than previously known, which they called a “sperm whale phonetic alphabet.”
People have a pho-ne-tic alphabet too, which we use to produce a practically infinite supply of words. But Shane Gero, a marine biologist at Carleton University in Ottawa and an author of the study, said it’s unclear whether sperm whales similarly turn their phonetic sounds into a language.
“The fundamental similarities that we do find are really fascinating,” Dr. Gero said. “It’s totally changed the way we have to do work going forward.”
Since 2005, Dr. Gero and his colleagues have followed a clan of 400 sperm whales around Dominica, an island nation in the eastern Caribbean, eavesdropping on the whales with u
"sleeping"....they need rehab
Why not just cut a piece off an empty plastic dishwashing liquid bottle?
I miss the Amiga 500 in that list. ;)
Man I love Bonobo, I am lucky to have played the game Sleeping Dogs otherwise I never would have known him.
Only a 2 or 3 cups a week, my wife does all the heavy coffee drinking, we have an espresso machine and a cup one.
I mostly drink carbonated water and tea and sometimes a double espresso (fresh ground beans) with some cream. Sometimes when I really enjoy the cup of coffee I will take another cup.
In the UK there is the "Too good to go" app.
I save a lot of money on groceries this way and provide others as well. You pay a third of the original price.
I put in 1300 hrs into fo4 just for the settlement building. With mods though.
"I heard people complaining about the bed situation...." NPC carrieing a bedroll on her back.