
joined 2 years ago
[–] 5 points 18 hours ago

Firstly, a disclaimer...while I shouldn't really have to say this given the language I've used, I will anyway: I am by no means talking about ALL men.

The problem is that this is not an unfounded stereotype, made evident by the fact that the discrepancy between how household and childcare tasks are divided between partners (heterosexual, at least) is still a significant and prevalent issue.

Subconsciously or otherwise, this sadly rings true with a lot of men, who, at least in part, want—and sometimes expect—a woman who will adopt every role a mother would take. That is, taking care of most of the chores/household management/childcare duties, and without protest. Even when, say, both of them work full-time jobs.

Too many of these men either 1. do not know how to do simple household tasks (and are not unlikely to have adopted learned helplessness as a result), 2. deliberately delay or fuck up chores to get their partner to get frustrated and give up on asking for help altogether, or 3. simply don't notice how much more work their partner is doing than they are.

I acknowledge that a lot of boys aren't taught how to cook do chores as much as girls are, and those who haven't been were failed by the adults in their life in that regard. It's not a valid excuse once you're an adult, though.

[–] 11 points 1 week ago (5 children)

yeah, I've been wondering how much I should be sharing about my political opinions now... and a little concerned about my 15+ years of social media history.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

this is really cool!

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I hope you don't mind some hyper-detailed constructive criticism :) I don't know how to use Blender, but I'm good with faces and watched a loooot of Supernatural back in the day.

  • while the bridge of Jensen's nose is pretty narrow, his lower nostrils are quite a bit wider than that, and the tip of his nose is a little more upturned.
  • his nose is also more angular. I'd take a look at multiple pictures of him with various different kinds of lighting to see it more easily, but here's a good one:

-cheekbones are also more angular and (I think?) protrude slightly more in front. hard to explain. I think this pic shows it more clearly though

  • cheekbones are also too wide
  • lips are slightly too wide, too, and the upper vermilion border is more rounded/doesn't "swoop down" like that, so to speak. you got the pout down, though. lol
  • his face shorter than that; there's too much space between the bottom of his nose/lips and lips/chin.
  • I also want to say that his chin is slightly wider than that.

hope at least one of these things helps!

[–] 12 points 3 weeks ago (6 children)

do you have nothing better to do than to complain over and over and over again about the posts of a single user?

the block button exists for a reason, if it upsets you this much.

[–] 2 points 4 weeks ago (5 children)

I started 6, but so far I've only completed the first level. I feel like I'm letting our beloved Miyazaki down. 😔

one day I'll play it for real.

[–] 2 points 4 weeks ago

I know I'm very late to this, but I thought I'd add a couple more ideas, in case you still need help.

  • ginger. seriously, it's so effective (for me, at least), and relatively cheap. you can even buy it in capsules.

  • peppermint oil. I get the worst motion sickness while riding the bus near me. I put just 1-3 drops inside my mask and it helps a lot. you might be able to just take a whiff of the bottle and get some relief, tbh

  • it doesnt really sound like this is the case, but do you drink coffee or tea on an empty stomach? I used to be able to, but now the tannins always make me sick. :(

  • I would suggest keeping a record of when it happens/for how long, what you ate/drank that day, what hygeine/skincare/cleaning products you're using, how much sleep you got the night before, if it's worse/better certain parts of your cycle, ect. it might help narrow things down.

I really hope your gyno takes you seriously. it sounds like you may need better doctors.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago

I can definitely understand why someone would feel so nostalgic about them, as a fellow commie. personally, I really enjoyed our mall's general vibe around Christmastime especially. I associate them with a more carefree time, as well.

As for me, I really miss acting. was in musicals and drama/humor speech competitions all 4 years of high school, and even went to states/nationals for the latter, then acting classes in college. it's such a satisfying creative outlet for me.

I suppose I could start doing it again now, but the time investment would be so much more significant than it was when I was in school, and I cant help but think that my time would be better spent toward something more "productive".

also, the daycare I went to as a little kid used to serve us soy sauce flavored ramen with mashed potatoes (including butter/milk). so healthy! 😬 I really loved it, though, as long as the noodles weren't overcooked. I could go for some now.

[–] 9 points 1 month ago (3 children)

in addition to a lot of others already mentioned (there's a lot of overlap)





[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

there are more ways to take action than to vote.

I'm just as dissolutioned with the voting system as you are, but I'm also aware that sitting around complaining and acting like you know better than everyone else is only obnoxious accomplishes nothing.

either do literally anything at all to contribute, or go find an empty room to whinge into. I'm sure you'll enjoy the echo.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

and that's a reason to stop trying altogether?

edit: a word

[–] 8 points 1 month ago (6 children)

right. I'm sure your self-righteousness, apathy and inaction are going to be a great asset when it comes to building a "better future".


A rant. FYI, this post might be a but triggering for some.

She called about ADHD. She was renewing her nursing license (though she's retired) and said she took a course on adult ADHD. She said she felt bad that she has been so ignorant about it, and that she didn’t know I was suffering all this time.

I didn't, but I wanted to say, "what the fuck do you mean you didn't know??? How????"

I literally requested help for it at like 13, but the doctor gave up on it immediately after I was on Concerta for just a few weeks because I was FORGETTING TO TAKE IT (??????). She said, "you're just depressed and anxious". Okay??? As if it's impossible to have ADHD too???

Never mind the fact that when the doctor dismissed me the first time, it took me crying to get her to even consider it the first place.

My parents didn't even say anything when she took me off of Concerta and reiterated that she thought i just had depression and anxiety. They just accepted it even though I KNEW I had it. I did the research, because no one else was going to, clearly. And I knew my feelings usually weren't taken seriously, anyway.

I was finally able to get medicated just recently. I'm 32. I appreciate her trying now, but I needed help then. My life could've been so much different if I hadn't been easily and frequently dismissed.


Apparently, the PC I was given by my employer less than a year ago is too out of date (uses Windows 10) and I have to have Windows 11 now for security reasons. I have a gaming PC, but it's my partner's, too, and it'd be a huge waste of its power and graphics card, plus it'd have to be moved. I really don't want to do that.

A new company owns the company I work for now, but still. This is not what I agreed to. Ugh. I'm so annoyed.

It's not that expensive, really ($200), but it's the principle of the matter. How long will it be before they force me to do this again, anyway??? I already get paid a shit wage.

shrimp (

MC Hammer is watching you.

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