
joined 7 months ago
[–] 1 points 5 days ago

Generally, yes, even during winter for the most part.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Oh, I 100% understand that. Wanted to try handling a tarantula in a German pet shop, nearly fainted (knees got weak the instant I registered her on my skin, and I could tell she was not in any way aggressive...).

On the other hand, I've had one of those massive cockroaches sniffing around on my face, and not even a twitch. I seldom understand my brain.

[–] 7 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (3 children)

Oh, wow! I'd probably just die if I ever saw a wolf spider in my tub! Like, complete simultaneous organ failure, the energy which is me would just eject from my body.

Lucky for me, I live in Temperate-Continental, so my biggest threat is seeing a Long-Legs dangling down to check up on me while I'm showering!

And I'm serious about this. Maybe it was just me imagining things, but I swear they started inspecting me every now and again. Like, I'd be at my desk playing, and I'd see one rapelling from the ceiling, like 20-30 cm away from me. Seldom has any descended onto the actual desk, though, they'd just hang for a bit, then climb back up. It was strangely comforting, though, it makes them feel a lot more alive and present than the mind would tend to think about an eight-legged thing right out of my nightmares. They really have become my roommates.

[–] 29 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (8 children)

Even though I still have arachnophobia, I've intentionally lived with spiders for over a decade and I've not had issues with mosquitoes even if I left all of my windows open. And my roommates are thriving!

They're very chill roommates, too! After about 1-2 months of adjusting to living together in my old apartment, they stopped spinning webs in the areas which I used frequently and focused on the zones which I left out for them - ceiling corners, gaps between walls and furniture, etc. I did occasionally clean up their old webs every now and again (while taking great care not to bother the spiders themselves) because they also gathered a lot of dust. But they'd replace the old webbing in a matter of days.

And they never developed overpopulation issues, even though I did see them producing egg sacks regularly. I was expecting to drown in spiders by the end of the first year of trying this arrangement, but I never counted more than 15-20 spiders apartment-wide.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Only if you swallow.

[–] 0 points 1 week ago

Oh, no, they're definitely picky:)) One of my exes had an Amstaff with whom I'd developed a much healthier relationship than with her owner. My ex also dropped off her dog at my place for weeks so she could take some emotional space. I didn't care, that dog and I got along like two peas in a pod.

Anyway, point is, she was a VERY astute dog and we became fast friends. I'd always let her "inspect" whatever I was feeding myself and I'd usually get a huff and a butt as remarks about my food. She didn't even want to lick the crap I was eating at the time (lots of take-out, lots of processed foods, etc.) However, she LOVED my potato salad, and a lot of other home-cooked dishes. Seldom the meat, though.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children)

And not all that bad, actually! I'm dead serious, there were times when I caught myself sneaking out a fistful from my cat's food bag and munching like a rodent. Once you get accustomed to the taste (which, in most cases, tastes like really tough bread flavoured with saltless steak, or saltless boiled carrot, or saltless fish), it makes for a decently filling snack.

Dog kibble has even less flavour than cat kibble, mostly tastes slighly savoury and bland, though. Which I find weird and, like... all dogs I've met enjoyed a plethora of flavours, wouldn't they do the same with their kibble?

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

"Boost shields! Shut down non-essentials! Ensign, get us out of here!"

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

The whole album is a work of art!

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

I honestly don't even know if there is a track I'd call my favourite, it's like every one is its own thing. They all have shared elements, but the energy, the intent, the shape of it is always different from one song to the next, I love them all!

And thank you for letting me know KEXP have a donation thing going! I always consumed mostly single songs and, to my shame, never looked any deeper into things!

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

You're very welcome, glad it landed!:D

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

These people make me want to be the best imperfect Me I can be, I swear. I've been so lucky to find bands which went to the places where I've been and can relate.

Wdit: also, I have THE biggest crush on Marisa. There we go, sins forgiven!


I am in love with their stage presence.


And, of course, the Raw trailer. It's VERY graphic (also age restricted).


This shall forever stand testament to the time when I said "no" to the girl who gave me this song, even though I liked her voraciously. Man, have I done some stupid shit in this life...


Bonus: the video

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