They threw a bunch of random data at the thing, roughly based on what they know about the data format google likes to use.
What was that study course and what made it hell? Might want to a avoid a similar situation in the future.
What exactly seems out of reach and impossible? If you had something specific in mind but gave it up, it might be a good way forward to consider something similar with less (or more manageable) obstacles.
Have you considered job perspectives abroad? It might be even harder to get a good picture of the situation abroad, but there could be chances there.
What are your passions or things you like? Languages, obviously, and that is great because that gives you a much greater area to look for jobs (if you want to maybe go abroad).
I am running plex server on a low power i3-7xxx. thanks to the igpu that thing can handle a few 1080p transcodes at once. Even 4K HDR transcoding is possible, though I never get more than one or two of them at the same time. Unless you need it to encode subtitles into the video or you have many simultaneous HDR to SDR conversions going at once any cheap old PC with an intel 7th gen or newer and igpu should do well. Oh, and I don’t think they can handle AV1, but that is still very uncommon.
As a 40 year old male I find that character becomes a bigger factor, even if it sounds cheesy. Sure, a hot but bland 20 something can be attractive and that will not change, but I would rather spend my time with an interesting 60 year old. Maybe it is because I am no Adonis either. But I also like to believe that a DiCaprio type situation would make me deadly afraid of taking advantage of someone at a much different stage of life.
I would also theorize that as it becomes more difficult to guess the age by looks alone character becomes a more important differentiator. Of course some signs of age can not be hidden, but there are plenty of 18 year olds dressing much older as well as lots of older women not giving off grandma vibes.
Ban and deport all noble gases!