Regarding your worry about looking silly, I get you. I like to think the gym is one of the less judgemental places (and in my experience, it is), but you find assholes everywhere in life, so it would be a lie to say you'll never encounter them. What helps for me, and maybe it'll help you too, is confidence in knowing you're doing the right thing. What is the right thing? No, it's not doing the exercise with the correct form, or doing the correct rep scheme or pushing with the correct intensity. None of that. The right thing is showing up and actively working on improving yourself. That means taking the time to experiment and eventually figure out how to do things right. It means not letting perfect be the enemy of good.
If you're looking for resources to learn the big 3 lifts, I highly recommend the articles on strongerbyscience. Here's their deadlift article.
And as others have said, don't be shy to ask others for guidance. I've had my share of asking for form checks and of being asked for form checks. The gym is the kind of place where everyone generally likes to help each other out.