
joined 2 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Social media maybe?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago

The Linux guys obv

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Or use VCS like a normal dev

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

Is anywhere really?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

The first song in English I loved, I was 11

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Which fades into POV held tied in a carriage with a blond man telling you you've been trying to cross the borders...

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago

It's now official™

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I know it's still early but how do I grab LTSC? As far as I know my mobo has a home edition license and it defaults to it whenever I reinstall

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 month ago (3 children)

The registery is much easier to break, much harder to debug and much harder to fix, UNIX config is more human-friendly, I'll never mess with the registery again

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Helix because it's easy to setup and hassle free, and it runs well on my 2009 ASUS Eee


I've installed xone and xboxdrv.

The controller vibrates on plug in but the LED stays off, if I hold down the Xbox button it boots in Bluetooth mode.

Xboxdrv reports no controllers found.

lsusb reports the controller ~~and it has a file in /dev/js0 (or something similar).~~

Update: there's no js file in /dev/input

retroarch reports detection of Xbox controller on plug in.

I added my user to input group.

My system is up to date.

I installed the system with the XFCE build.

The controller works as intended on Arch, Windows and Android via USB and Bluetooth

Update 2: I installed jstest-gtk and it's not detecting the controller at all


I installed LXDM and LightDM, I couldn't login from the DM in either cases, so I decided to run LXQt using startx which worked, except I couldn't sudo from the terminal emulator inside LXQt, while I was able to sudo normally in tty, I've tried enabling elogind, nothing changed, my user is in the wheel group and my system is up to date

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I'm not, but shouldn't this be an easy task ootb in Laravel?


I have the following migration:

(Schema::create('user_images',function(Blueprint $table){ $table->id(); $table->binary('image'); $table->unsignedBigInteger('user_id'); $table->foreign('user_id')->references('id')->on('users'); });)

And the following corresponding model:

`class UserImage extends Model { protected $fillable=[ 'image' ];

public function user():BelongsTo{
    return $this->belongsTo(User::class);


I am trying to create new UserImage records with UserImage::create but it is always failing, I am sending the image data using curl:

curl -v -F image=@$1 $URL/api/users -H "Accept: application/json"

I have tried so many things but I got different SQL-related errors, I am not sure how am I supposed to encode the image data to get them stored, I know that accessing $request->image returns only a temporary path of the image on the HDD.

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