
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 114 points 1 week ago

DeepSeek about to get sent in for "maintenance" and docked 10K in social credit.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago (4 children)

A single substation outage causes a "massive" blackout in the capital? It’s not even the first time either.

Seems more like a mismanagement issue.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I for one ascribe the blame to at least 40 years of pseudoscience -- neoclassical economic theory [1] -- pushed by neoliberal economists. These same neoliberal economists are often backed by the rich (fuck you "Chicago School of Economics" [2]) . For decades they have pushed this narrative of "government bad" and "private sector" good. Taxing the rich only means you punish the people you want to help (middle and lower socioeconomic classes). This pseudoscience gave birth to the godawful economic policy of "trickle down economics".

Decades of:

  • defunding public services (by both parties, by the way) to make way for tax cuts for the wealthy
  • middle class wage stagnation (ie, take for example the minimum wage and sub-minimum wage for tipped employees)
  • decimation of union participation and subsequently power to labor
  • cheap money backed by the faith of the US govt and given to the ultra wealthy as a means of extracting wealth from the people -- see private equity

Want to know why many people are easily manipulated? They can't afford the same lifestyle as their parents. Drowning in debt to greedy capitalist pigs. Years of this cycle and once the algorithms detect this, you can be easily turned into cannon fodder for the ultra wealthy.

"hey bro, your life is shit because immigrants took yer job!! Govt trying to inject microchips into you! Join the FrEEdOm CoNvOy!"

Get us into fighting a culture war against each other, when we should be banding together and fighting a class war.

Fuck the billionaire class.

[1] [2]

[–] [email protected] 76 points 1 week ago (18 children)

I shamefully admit I almost pulled the trigger on a Tesla Model S Plaid back in 2021 or 2022. Flush with a shit ton of cash, but fortunately I was reading reports of production build quality issues, many recalls, and ultimately pulled back my deposit.

Looking back at it. The one decision I have no regrets on.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Not looking forward to the next 4 years.

4 more years of massive deficit spending (tax cuts for the rich, bullshit trickle down economic theory), more money flowing to the billionaire class, public services getting decimated in funding, and regulatory agencies already knee capped with SCOTUS overturning “Chevron deference”.

These tariffs (or threats of tariffs) only stand to benefit billionaires and companies. As we learned during pandemic, companies often increased the cost of items even though the internal supply chain was not actually impacted. It was a way to squeeze consumers under the guise of “supply chain issues”.

[–] [email protected] 64 points 2 months ago

Anything Microsoft built lately is dogshit. They turned Windows into a steaming pile of shit over the past 20 years. When you think it can’t get any worse, they somehow raise the bar on disappointment.

No doubt it will be loaded with a shit ton of tracking/telemetry to build new datasets and train LLMs. Mining data from kids/teenagers and building those ad profiles early on is key.

Repairability will likely be shit as well.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 3 months ago (2 children)

How to piss off the entire population of Italy in 1 image

[–] [email protected] 18 points 3 months ago (1 children)

What a wild timeline this is. Dude sacrificed himself to life in prison to potentially inspire a generation of change.

A crazy twist would be Biden (shit even Trump) pardoning this guy not out of wrongful persecution but rather to deplatform him from giving the health industry a bad rap and possibly inspiring other murders.

[–] [email protected] 56 points 3 months ago (7 children)

Wild. Caught with the fake ID used to check in to the hostel; the gun (ballistics likely to confirm if same one used in hit); and walking around in public while a multi-state manhunt is underway. The balls on this dude, lmao.

I thought he would have fled the USA by now using a ticket bought in advance. Guess he wasn’t as smart as we thought. Or just got complacent.

Alternative theory: he wanted to get caught, and put on a display in front of the courts and get a message out.

[–] [email protected] 101 points 3 months ago (15 children)

Sounds like a desperate tactic to get perpetrator to make mistakes (ie, tickets bought hastily to leave country). Sudden plans to leave the country or travel domestically are often flagged by the feds for follow up. The practice was supposedly put on hold [1] but wouldn’t surprise me if it’s used in situations like this.

In my opinion, police wouldn’t bother releasing this statement. If it was real, investigation would continue and the next statement/story would be “we have the person in custody”.

I call bullshit.


[–] [email protected] 43 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Probably just AI generated slop. Didn’t even bother with using the in house PR team on it.

“Generate a sympathetic statement for death of person. Keep it under 50 words.”

[–] [email protected] 25 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I don’t see assassin as “hero” or “heartthrob”.

Our high trust society has eroded due to massive corruption at the highest level (SCOTUS popularity/trust plummeted) , late stage capitalism and catering to billionaires, and incompetent politicians. The incoming administration will be without a doubt no help in this aspect.

The assassin has unfortunately become “necessary”. I don’t praise his actions but I understand why this person decided to take it into their own hands (ie, family or loved one impacted by “deny, delay, defend” policies).


Amendments to the PayPal Privacy Statement Effective November 27, 2024:

We are updating our Privacy Statement to explain how, starting early Summer 2025, we will share information to help improve your shopping experience and make it more personalized for you. The key update to the Privacy Statement explains how we will share information with merchants to personalize your shopping experience and recommend our services to you. Personal information we disclose includes, for example, products, preferences, sizes, and styles we think you’ll like. Information gathered about you after the effective date of our updated Privacy Statement, November 27, 2024, will be shared with participating stores where you shop, unless you live in California, North Dakota, or Vermont. For PayPal customers in California, North Dakota, or Vermont, we’ll only share your information with those merchants if you tell us to do so. No matter where you live, you’ll always be able to exercise your right to opt out of this data sharing by updating your preference settings in your account under “Data and Privacy.”

edit: update title to reflect this is for PayPal USA users


This is abhorrent. Fuck this Christian hellhole.


When Lemmy was making waves last year when Reddit pulled an “enshittification” of the platform. One of the first things I noticed was how terrible the experience was when trying to navigate to other Lemmy instances.

Hopefully this will help bridge the gap when it becomes generally available.


What’s the over/under on time to ban for BidenHQ (

Also, that fucking site is asking for a phone number to register. Fuck that.


Source: the false “front page of the internet”

Found this interesting. Looks like it’s in 🇺🇸. Surprised it has not been towed.

Heard of stories of abandoned vehicles in the Middle East (Dubai?), but with super cars.


Just Alabama things, I guess. Fuck that state.


👋 [email protected] — noticed activity here is low, especially while in season. Prior to my post today regarding UT vs Alabama game, last activity was ~6 days ago.

I would like to see this community flourish during the season like it does on the pretender “front page of the internet” site. I would be willing to invest time to automate creation of pre-, post-, and weekly discussion posts. But I don’t want to do that if the community is not active or is not wanted (ie, deemed as “spam”)

Lmk your thoughts/opinions/suggestions.


Texas is back?

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