Vucevic did, seems like Serbia should keep the pressure on
you have my support once again but y'all really need to start doing long-term encampments of DC in particular
Milosevic rules to this day, according to u/Sektor
world might be okay actually
cries in transgender
But nobody came.
Russio-Yankee vs Euro-Sino actually
You didn't?
What's Russia gonna do instead, sell it to the US? Oh... oh no....
Henry Davis Thoreau smiles on us this day
What year is it? 2025!? Then it's not too late...
My money is that we'll say the same thing about him in 10 years
"A Novel Sex Chromosome Mosaicism 45,X/45,Y/46,XY/46,YY/47,XYY Causing Ambiguous Genitalia"
I don't see user avatars / profile pics showing up next to user names in the comments section, is that an option or future feature or anything?
edit: it exists now thanks c:
Vucevic did, seems like Serbia should keep the pressure on