Just want to ask you a couple questions: lube or no lube? take your time.
Love seeing these pieces. You can find them all over California's farm lands north to south and some along the coastal farms, too.
these liberals are letting the homeless sleep anywhere and desecrate our sacred places of worship.
Exactly the same for me. Never saw any particular party as one worth affiliation with my voting choices though I do end up voting for Democrat backed choices most often.
There's a list for alligator-fuckers?
Not I, a Californian who grows his own cannabis.
I don't get the blame for "journalists" here. These are media outlets run by big corpos who knows they'll control the narrative. Can we uplift quality journalism that is also not filled with bought and paid for journalists and media. If you don't like CNN stop listening to it 25/8. Same for Fox, et al. The complaints about the media sound like boomer ramblings but I seem to hear it most often from millennials. Like, who the fuck else you relying on to know what's going on in the world?
Great video but I really can't agree with this protest pushing abstinence from voting on the upcoming election. I get that the current administration is enabling this, but the vote for the American president encompasses so much more than international strife. I wish we could separate that notion because it feels like a it's been driven by foreign influence to sway the election. We cannot allow another Trump term. Cannot. If you think a protest for Palestine today is going to impact the presidential election as a "lesson" to your fellow Americans then the next protest against the policies of Project 2025 and Trump, will end up overshadowing all that you're protesting now and the genocide will continue. Project 2025 will destroy America and anything left of Palestine. Yes war needs to stop, but voting for the lesser of two evils is all we get now. There will be not reckoning event for Democrats, they just need to claw back enough power to hold the legislative and keep it from the GOP while also making considerable changes to their own power structures within their party.
I second this one. Worked well for our son as he seemed to like sleeping with his arms up and out. He's 4.5 months now and we've transitioned into the Merlin sleep suit since he still likes having his arms somewhat free to hold his pacifier as he sleeps.
the former Domino's guy who ran for president?
The world needs to carve a Russian sized hole in the internet. it would be best for all of us.
Statutory rape? she was 17 and he was.. 30? Besides, between the two I'm going to assume the law school graduated, 30-year old knew he was plying a much younger, more naive minor for the sake of sex, even if he did pay for it. He knew what he was doing.