I mean I guess it's par for the course but this card just seems crazy to me. Definitely commander focused, as is much of the design lately, but this is usually getting played on turn 4 in commander and the life loss trigger seems pretty easy to activate every turn. Often I think you will get getting two triggers off this every turn. And then it has lifelink and flying to boot!
This was fantastic and so is Matt Nass. My main takeaway from this was with the lands in the deck, how much we could use Blood Moon in standard right now 😆 My mouth is salivating at the idea of punishing that mana base.
Reposting my comment with this account for visibility as it appears my mtgzone account still is not visible outside the instance.
Non-magic, but I may have to open up a discussion on the Lemmy hosting discord for this. I actually thought it was working after an update we applied but I'll see what they and Andrew can help with.
I'm curious to know how many price increases and card or pack decreases have happened over the last 2-3 years. Hasbro's insane requirement of WoTC to increase revenue 50% year over year, and WoTC's constant pushing of all costs onto the consumer has gotten us to this point.
I'm also curious what this looks like even just 1 or 2 years down the line. 50% YoY is impossible to maintain, so what happens when they don't hit the target? What happens when they decrease revenue for a quarter or fiscal year? What happens if it bears true that some UB sets are hits, and others are flops? What happens if we hit a recession?
They've traded the health of the underlying game for short term profits under the tenuous assertion that people will always continue to pay.
I have a lot of thoughts on this but I'll keep it crazy short (lol).
First, that was incredible and I totally felt his excitement the whole time. However, what am I watching! Timeless has effectively now become Yugioh, and it's not even a joke, that's what Yugioh game play is like.
I started out really interested in Timeless as a format, but this is what you get when you take free interaction out of Legacy. It's a joke format to me right now, and adding Chrome Mox makes it unplayable. I think it was unplayable before with the prevalence of combo decks, but this is truly something else. This guy won the game on the opponent's upkeep without any lands in hand or in play...
I don't think Wizards gives a shit really, they don't care about 60 card constructed at all imo, but I can't seem them adding Force of Negation in 2025 when it was actually needed in 2024. I'm very curious to know how big that Timeless playerbase is.
I really think the issue I have with Vehicles is that they can be crewed at instant speed. That holds up every single turn and step of the game for that action. I would have preferred crew being a sorcery speed action. Something you can only do on your turn makes more sense to me and it solves that problem.
I think this is a pretty good idea, and I like the overall take on it. It's a little confusing at first but I imagine it will get iterated on. The Game Changers are very confusing, I feel like people will just optimize against these or any list like this.
What I love most is that my old school 5c Knight Tribal Kenrith actually qualifies in the bracket 1 it's designed for. Whenever I said Kenrith before people never wanted to play against it but the deck stinks! It's just equipment and knights from the first 15 years of the game. Kenrith is only in there to get 5c and because he's an awesome and loreful king and commander.
I actually think this will revitalize the jank decks by giving them kinda of a dedicated format in Bracket 1.
I just want to mention, I'm glad they printed this as a sorcery. I originally thought this was a better Collected Company at first but then re-read it and I think it's a cool card. Certainly interesting in white instead of blue. Searching 7 cards instead of 6 I guess comes at the cost of the sorcery speed but that feels pretty strong too.