Actually, the science says you will feel regret and will grow to resent that shirt over time. /s
I prefer the term ‘Trump Slump’ but as long as his name is attached, I’m good.
Why pay a doctor to ignore it when you can just not allow him the knowledge what you’re doing to everyone for free? Or just have a general threat to all employees that you can’t blame the company for any wrongdoing?
This is something I’ve always wanted to start but it’s so intimidating to think of getting a library started. Do people offer their libraries as downloads to friends? I’d assume there’s torrents of movies and book packages of genres or something, but how difficult would it be to copy them over to a group of hard drives.
Cincinnati chili. It’s a local food that locals love but most people not from there hate. It’s got cinnamon and a sweet flavor that most people don’t expect from chili.
That feels like they’re trolling or making fun of themselves a bit. I know a few people in Kentucky with EVs and they also have “friends of coal” plates.
That is great news but this election is looking so close and she does not have the lead that she should. We need to get out and vote!
The fact that he still has Christian supporters is crazy to me from the beginning. He’s the definition of sin from their perspective and back in 2015 I was sure they would see that and feel uncomfortable about his lifestyle but NOPE!
This story sounds like an Onion article. Matter of fact, a lot of stories about Trump are sounding like Onion articles…
A lot of states allow early in person voting with a lot of open times. I plan to vote in person well beforehand as I like to see it being counted and confirmed.
He’s doing us a favor by setting the bar so low.
I have the same thing with my GF. I express my emotions regularly and she acts like I’m an EQ genius.