This looks like a gotcha, but all of these "marriages" are just different arrangements of their core definition of marriage, and it's exactly what they want: one man in power, and women as property.
The BBC Historic Farm Series is a collection of docuseries about daily life on English/Welsh farms from the Tudor period to WW2, with each series following a group of people spending a full year on a farm in each period. They show you all the ins and outs of life as it would have been in each era, and it's like traveling back in time, a living museum.
The first series, Tales From The Green Valley, is available in full on, and is my favorite of the bunch. One episode per month of a year, on a little farm in Stuart-era England. It's lovely.
This is just an attack that attempts common username/password combinations on ssh, and the article even states that the worm is dime-a-dozen. Unless you have both password auth enabled and an available account with an easily guessable password (and if you have either you should change that), this is nothing to worry about, even with sshd available to the internet.
Sensationalist title.
He volunteered.