
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

smb share if its desktop to desktop. If its from phone to PC, I throw it on nextcloud on the phone, then grab it from the web ui on pc.

Smb is the way to go if you have identity set up, since your PC auth will carry over for the connection to the smb share. Nextcloud will be less typing if not since you can just have persistent auth on the app / web.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

Its just a test to dial your printer in. I shimmed my bed with 0.1mm washers. I haven't done a full square of plastic, but I printed my first layer / z-offset print of choice in all 4 corners and center in order to verify the bed level results in octoprint were accurate.

Before hand 70% of my bed printed perfect, but one spot was a little lower, and the mesh bed leveling wasn't accounting enough for it. Parts printed on textured sheets would not pick up the texture as well in that one spot. I like the textured look for top surfaces of control panels and such, so having an area on the bed that wouldn't apply the texture was a bit annoying.

Tests like what you are talking about is an extreme way to verify that everything is square, or at least well accounted for in the firmware.

Also, since this wasn't something achievable out of the box until recently, printer manufacturers are showing it off as a point of pride / as a sales tactic.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

Yeahhhhh, they have a sale going on right now, but its still like 1800. I really do think that its more of a business target with that price though. While the original stick einstar won't pick up on super fine details, a scan from it + some caliper measurements has done me pretty well with hobby projects. The price point is definitely more reasonable on that for hobbiest makers


So, i wanted a personal 3d scanner a while back and bought the revopoint mini and creality cr-scan lizard with my own money. I wasn't too happy with either, and ended up buying an einstar afterward.

I made a video comparing the revopoint and cr-scan to show off the pros and cons, but never did a follow up on the einstar. Well, i guess shining3d (the people that make the einstar) saw the original video and thought it was good enough to send me their new handheld scanner (einstar vega, i know... confusing names) to play with for a month, so i did just that and compared it to my own personal original einstar.

I made another (hopefully entertaining) video, and thought i would share. I use the 3d scanner a handful of times per year to make 3d printed bits that fit well with existing real world items, and i have also made some stuff out of clay, and 3d scanned it to use in 3d printed designs when i want more organic shapes that are past my modeling experience.

happy to answer any questions about modeling processes, or the scanners themselves! :)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

yeah, i went the past 2 years. sadly driving a project down wasn't in the cards. Both times i brought a body mounted project though. First year it was a 3d printed cat treat dispenser that would track the distance my cat runs on a cat wheel, then gives him a single treat after he runs a certain amount. I had a mini version mounted on my chest. This past year, i brought some arm mounted EDF's that I plan on using to propel myself on skiis in the snow. I plan on making videos about both eventually, but im trying to space out larger projects like those (and the cooler kart) with smaller ones :)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago (2 children)

yeah, the emergency kill switch had the full power going through it. I did something similar with relays on the back with the initial esp32 control, where if the relays were powered but no signal was sent to the relays, it would close the brake pins on the cheaper ESC's as another safety feature.

it was kinda cool, a little kid (like, elementary school aged) came up and was asking about the project, with his dad right behind him. the kids questions were all pretty much around how he could potentially make something similar. I answered them in an age understandable way, but also walked through all the different potential failures and how it related to saftey, and how I added things like the relays, battery fuse, and cut off switch to mitigate the risks. basically saying "yeah, making something like this is dangerous, but you shouldn't let that get in the way of making your ideas a reality - its just important to walk through those risks and mitigate them as best as you can, and think if you can reach an acceptable risk before you spend money and time". The dad didn't say anything, but i could tell he was beaming since the kid was realizing all the safety stuff, and realizing that thinking through that stuff is very important. about 1/2 way through, the kid was just asking more safety related questions haha

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago (1 children)

well, I wanted to to be a goofy and unique project, so having the wheels be in the "normal" location would be a less interesting to me. Also, the trike had a "male" axle for a wheel to mount to, and the hoverboard wheels also had a "male" stub coming out of the motor hub, so mounting them together would have required something to offset and join the parts together. Since I wanted to do 2 wheels on each side, a triangle just kind of made sense. In retrospect, they should have been a bit shorter so the top of the cooler was level. I chose to not use cad, since i have been relying on it a lot for other projects, and sometimes its fun to just make something and kind of make it up as you go along, but if i had designed it in the computer first, then i would have realized that the rear wheel height was too high. :)


more of a goofy and fun project, I wouldn’t say it was practical, and definitely won’t change the world... but I enjoyed it, and it got a lot of laughs and acted as a good conversation starter. Hopefully yall find the humor in it :)

[–] [email protected] 5 points 7 months ago

yeah, the VESC firmware has traction control settings, so each speed controller is talking to the others and has a maximum allowed speed range between the wheels, which might help for sand? trying to accelerate on wet grass, there was a bit of slip, but you could hear the motors all micro adjusting their speed, and eventually you would get moving enough that they all went back to full power. sand might be a bit harder because the wheels + weight would want to dig into the sand.

but yeah, it was pretty nice - when i went to the general store to get ice, the people working there were unloading ice from a truck up on the street, and walking it down in plastic bins (probably a 2 or 3 minute walk from their van). They looked at the cooler kart with envy haha - so i could see some applications for it, but they are all fairly niche, and less transportation focused i suppose

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago (4 children)

oh, thats a good point on the heat issue with solder... i mean the BMS and fuse should save it, but i hadn't thought of that. Do you have recomendations for how to attach the main bus wires coming off the battery in a non soldered way? cause with flat top 18650 based batteries, you have to spot weld nickel strips, and soldering the main wire to the strip before spot welding is the only thing i can think of. If you go with something like headway lifepo4, they are screw top, so you could fab a contact plate that the wire crimps into, then screws to the battery, but yeah - no idea how to do something like that with flat top batteries.


so yeah, first time making an electric vehicle. the intent is to reuse the battery and ESC on an ebike.

A lovely person at the event i brought the motorized cooler kart to traded vehicles with me for 10 minutes, and i got to ride his electric mountain bike with a mid mount motor, and it was awesome, so i have the itch for that now.

Anyway, more of a goofy and fun project, I wouldn't say it was practical, and definitely won't change the world, but hopefully is brings some entertainment to your lives! :)

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Yep, to add on as well as summarized this... Linux has historically had a design methodology of "everything is a file". If your not familear with the implications of this, it means your command line tools just kind of work with most things, and everything is easy to find.

For instance, there's no "registry / regedit" on Linux... There's just a folder with a config file that the application stores settings in. There's no control panel application to modify your network settings... Just a text file on your OS. Your system logs and startup tasks were also (you guessed it) sinole filea on the system. Sure there might be GUI apps to make these things easier for users, but under the hood it reads and writes a file.

This idea goes further than you might assume. Your hard drive is a file on the file system (a special file called a block device). You can do something like "mount /dev/sda1 /home/myuser/some_folder" to "attach" the drive to a folder on the system, but that special block device (dev/sda1 in this case) can be read and written to byte by byte if you want with low level tools like dd.

Even an audio card output can show as a file in dev (this is less the case now with pipewire and pulse), but you used to be able to just echo a raw audio file (like a wav file) and redirect the output to your audio device "file" and it would play out your speaker.

Systemd flipped this all around, and now instead of just changing files, you have to use applications to specify changes to your system. Want to stop something from starting? Well, it used to be that you just move it out of the init directory, but now you have to know to "systemctl disable something.service", or to view logs " journalctl -idk something.service" I dont even remember the flags for specifying a service, so I have to look it up, where it used to just be looking at a file (and maybe use grep to search for something specific)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I came here to say this! And the creator made winamp too!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

I run freeipa internally, which handles all internal https certs (as well as nice things like handling non sudo auth so I can just ssh to machines from an already authed machine without a PW prompt, and doing ldaps for internal things that support it)

For external web, I have a single box running nginx as a reverse proxy thats web exposed. That nginx box has letsencrypt certs for the public web stuff. The nginx rp has the internal CA on it and will validate the internal https certs (no mullet SSL here!)

I also do different domains for internal vs external, but thats not a requirement for a setup like this

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