
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 2 months ago

Totally agree. I prefer my Fairphone to nearly any other phone I've owned.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

Made my morning so much better

[–] 12 points 3 months ago

This is an excellent piece of writing! Thanks for sharing it.

[–] 4 points 3 months ago

Absolutely agree with this. The product could have had fewer games and each game could have been much more shallow and it still would have been "good". But there's honestly a ton of bangers in this collection and the variety and creativity is astounding.

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

Their video about how curved spacetime causes the effects of gravity is also very well done.

[–] 9 points 3 months ago (1 children)

That's awesome! I really dig the colour contrast and the slightly puffy sleeves.

[–] 4 points 3 months ago

Mini and Max is so strangely awesome! It didn't have to have nearly as much content as it does. It's huge!

[–] 8 points 5 months ago

I can't tell if you're trolling. But if you aren't, here's something cool you might enjoy.

If an object has two sides, you can colour each side a different colour. Think of a dinner plate. That has two sides and an edge that goes all the way around. You could use a marker to colour the front side red, stopping anywhere you hit an edge. Then you could use another marker to colour the back side blue, because the backside wouldn't be coloured yet.

It sounds like I'm explaining this in a dumb, very obvious way. I am. Not because I think anyone reading this is dumb. But because the shape in the photo does something that is not obvious.

Look at the shape above and imagine it without all the keys sticking out. Imagine it is smooth enough to draw on with a marker. It's pretty easy to see where any edges are. Imagine colouring one side of the shape red, avoiding where the edge is. If you keep colouring as much as you can, without crossing an edge, once you're done you'll find that there's no place left to colour with the blue marker. You'll have coloured the whole shape. It only has one side and that one side snakes and twists around to be its own backside as well.

If you're looking to learn more, the shape is called a Möbius strip.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I've made a couple of baby blankets and those are so satisfying. And I've been making touques for all the kids in my life and those are really fun projects too.

[–] 4 points 6 months ago (3 children)

This is fabulous! Making pieces tiny enough for pets must be so satisfying. You can get so many projects finished so quickly.

[–] 12 points 6 months ago (2 children)

I used to have this stance as well.

But my opinion on the situation changed when I noticed the ways that one class is waging war on the other classes in my country. There is real damage being done, real violence being perpetrated. Wage theft, poisoning the environment, suppressing voting and certain kinds of speech. Limited access to healthcare, limited access to education, limited access to the jobs that confer greater respect or mobility. Some people are living in a kind of hell and dying earlier because of it.

And those doing the violence are usually protected from the consequences of their actions by others in society saying just what you've said. "It's okay to protest, but don't inconvenience anyone while doing it". "It's theft to deny me the use of the road that you're blocking with the protest or the building that you're protesting in front of".

I used to think that protests where everyone remained polite were the only ones I could respect. Other kinds of protests, where people were being disruptive were just hooligans acting out. I used to say those things.

Maybe this way of thinking helps to preserve in some small way the politeness of society. I doubt it's effective at doing that in a meaningful way. And if there is a class of people who are oppressing another class, ending that oppression would be the most effective way of increasing the politeness of society as a whole, even if certain kinds of disruption was needed to get there.

One thing that I do know is true is that saying these things does help the bully class to continue doing what they are doing. They aren't going to stop just because someone asked nicely. They are being protected by words like this. And that's not okay.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago

That's a great point. I suppose one could tell how healthy the relationship is between developer and publisher by looking at how many dev companies on the roster have created a second great game. Of course, that's tough even with a great publisher, so maybe that's not realistic.


I had the idea a while back that making a crochet nudibranch with a frilled edge would be lots of fun. And I was thinking of making a scarf. So I made a nudibranch scarf.


I've been thinking about starting a new project.

I was really inspired by the look of the shawl in this blog post.

The problem I'm running into is finding yarn that will fade from one colour to the next gradually over the span of 1000m. All the skeins I'm finding in my local shop vary in colour a couple of times in just 300m, or much less gradual than that.

If such a product can't be easily found, I suppose I could buy several skeins, cut them into many long pieces, group those pieces by colour, and then wind it all back up again? But to me that sounds like a crazy idea.

I'm the first to admit that I'm new to crochet and I'm still just shopping at the local general craft store. That's why I'm posting. I'd really appreciate any advice that more experienced folks have on finding what I'm looking for.

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