Wouldn't that just be an unedited image?
joined 2 years ago
You could try zen browser
Is that because the kid is 5?
Do you have to pay less when you order a footlong at Subway?
Oooh, someone's about to lose their checkmark!
"...so I painted him a picture of ME..."
Unless they suddenly do a new song on the inauguration. Something like "Butt fucking the USA" or so
To bee or not to bee, that is the question.
It's a well oiled machine that turns the greed of some people into the misery for other people
They did! They wrote "username checks out"
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That reminds me of when I was a kid, farting in the bath. As I saw the bubbles coming up to the surface, I wanted to catch them.
So I took whatever plastic container I could find around the bath - most likely the cap of a shampoo bottle - submerged it, and held it close to my butt when I felt the next fart coming.
I succeeded in catching some of the fart in the cap. Then I claimed my prize by sniffing directly from the cap. It was so much worse than any fart I've ever smelled.
As a true scientist, I've repeated the experiment on a few later occasions, and without a doubt : bath farts captured in plastic containers smell much worse than normal farts.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.