Would you mind sharing the link ? I love titanium stuff
I'd be interested in getting a link for this product if you don't mind!
Thanks I haven't seen that there was an option to do this!
Thanks for the exhaustive reply ! I was mainly thinking about subscriptions and I didn't know that there was a dedicated option in the settings, it should work beautifully then! Thanks for your help again
Thanks I didn't know we could do this in the settings !
Thanks for sharing your experience! I'm also using Voyager 👌
Alright, would you be fine with sharing what tool you used to migrate or did you start from scratch ?
If I had your use case I'd cancel the while thing and only use their free plan, at this rate you're covered for 9 months or so
I come back to it every few months but I never managed to really dig the game, that said I'm truly impressed but all the work that was delivered post launch to deliver the game that was promised and even more.
I use Spigen since more than 10 years and it never failed on me, although I'm a pretty clumsy person
Thanks for the tip Photon is great!
I use it with Alexandrite as well. Those alternative clients really made a difference in my experience on desktop.