Firefox main problem with profitability relevance. They need more people to get people to use their tools
So I just have two questions.
- How does this get new users?
- How does this help retention?
The only answer is it doesn't and we don't care because we're going to cash out.
I'm not running away, I'll still open Firefox tomorrow like yesterday because the browser landscape is terrible and the shadow of what Firefox was is still good.
But I'm looking for the disruptor because as questionable as a lot of the new smaller browsers are, there are people out there trying and it's going to happen.
This article is pretty terrible and I'm not a fan of Apple but honestly he's taken a pretty measured approach and the fact that their product is garbage isn't his fault so much as the hype train being off course.
If anything people should be thankful he didn't waste more money, but right now the measurement isn't how successful your business is or how good your product is but how much money you flushed down the toilet chasing the dream of "AI". Because this is a bubble not a revolution.