This is a really good read on these types of situations. He's a white guy and he thought that was enough. that means the rules don't apply to him. I think as we are trying to figure these people out we sometimes overcomplicate it and a lot of the times the reasons are really quite simple. Just like them.
Wow that is truly blowing my mind lol I guess I forgot that they use different breeds for whole chickens which run smaller. And the woody breast thing is a symptom of the birds getting huge really fast so I should have inferred they were getting that big but it's just like tripping me out. Like a dinosaur chicken lol. Chicken sourcing is tough right now, especially if purchasing from a farm is out of the question, and unfortunately, for most it is. Glad you rescued that one! Good luck out there!
I deal with it with grace, understanding, and compassion. I'm gay, but as a white cis man I still have obscene amounts of privilege. I feel a bit like a double agent. I'm a minority, but as I move through the world I am afforded all of the privilege that patriarchy can offer. And I can say with full confidence, the misandry I encounter pales in comparison to the homophobia I encounter. This goes for online as well as irl. And "pales in comparison" is inadequate. It's so not even on the same playing field. They are not even comparable. I get it. It's rougher to be a straight man than it's ever been. I routinely get "mistreated" because I'm a bearded white guy who looks like Steve from Minnesota. But having a woman be less polite to me now and then is nowhere near what I go through as a queer. Especially growing up. I used to pray every night for god to kill me. Because I am queer. Not because I am a man. And I've tried to explain this to my brothers, and they don't get it and can't help but feel like the victim in all of this. And I bet you will align with them. But hopefully someone reading this will hear it. Yes, you are struggling. But fucking cope. Cope. Sharpen your coping skills. Because you have still been spared in a way you can't even comprehend.