Sorry, He'll executive order. Just like all his other totally legal executive orders.
Not movies (sorry!) but there's a podcast called darknet diaries that has a lot of good cyber crimes, penetration testing, and even a few bank heists. Some are a little more techy but they do i decent job explaining things
Episode 72 is a bank heist. Episode 6 is a bank job.
Episode 102 is one on printing counterfeit money that is pretty good
Thought id share since i enjoy these when I'm not able to sit at a screen. Enjoy your time off!
Great read all around but this stuck out
During oral arguments in the case, Reyes brought up the existence of intersex people and asked whether DOJ lawyers knew what “intersex” meant; per court transcripts, they did not, leading Reyes to explain that Trump’s executive order was “just incorrect” as a matter of biology.
Pitiful. I would think lawyers targeting trans individuals would be somewhat educated.
Mine too. So SURELY you must be aware of the ownership changes that took place the between origins and DA2 that made it a stinkhole?
Spoiler- they were acquired. It's been some years since i looked until specifics but DA2 was never meant to be it's own game but a DLC until EA forced it's publication. DA:I recovered somewhat but still wasn't the game i fell in love with, and not because of diversity.
The reality is that game studios release good games, get bought out, and quality takes a nosedive. It happens time and time again.