So sorry, looks like the correct answer for this morning was "pardon Pete Rose and try to strongarm the MLB Hall of Fame into inducting him". I'm sure that will change by lunch though.
This is (some of) the language of the current amendment, the difference being the replacing of "once" with "twice" as the last word. The idea is that if you're VP and are elevated to be President, it counts as one of your two possible terms if you serve more than half of the term you took over during. Basically, this kiss ass waste of space just copy/pasted the existing amendment and incremented every number in it.
It's not more people using the product, it's the limited population who are paying $200/month use it way more than they thought they would. So the costs per person paying that are going way over $200/month. Basically, they made the mistake of setting a fuck off price that was too low and a bunch of people did the math and took them up on the offer.
Yeah, who needs robust fail-safes when you've got a warehouse full of guillotines ready to go.