
joined 1 year ago
[–] octopus_ink@lemmy.ml 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

No particular drama, mostly that being a member of .ml sends a message that I'm generally not trying to send, and through no fault of anyone at .ml I just kinda got tired of having to deal with that from time to time.

edited to add - I'm also not a communist, which didn't really seem to bother anyone at .ml, but that's all wrapped up in the whole "unintentional messaging" thing.

[–] octopus_ink@lemmy.ml 7 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (3 children)

No really, I am. 😆

But I'm kinda flattered that you recognized my username.

This account still exists because I want to sort through and preserve some saved threads and other stuff.

[–] octopus_ink@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Trump has lost several court cases already, and many are just getting started.

I feel we define consequences differently.

If you expect the judicial system to broadly restore the status quo under Biden

I expected the judicial system to have him in prison, or have made a credible attempt at such, before his cultists could re-elect him. That's why nothing about what it might do in the future has meaning to me. When it does something that matters, that will be fantastic. I hope I'm alive to see it.

Right now we're coming up on 5 years of fluff and Trump pulling change out of his couch cushions then replenishing it with NFTs, gold shoes, and other grift.

So all these assurances ring hollow if I'm to take them as any indication that he won't be able to continue raw dogging the US and the world until he gets sick of it or until arteriosclerosis finally does us all a favor.

[–] octopus_ink@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Do you not comprehend that I no longer feel any sense of hope from what our justice system could or might do in the future, since it has utterly failed to impede him in any substantive way to date? I'm not saying you are wrong, I'm saying it is meaningless given what has happened to him so far (no substantive impact) until something different happens (substantive impact).

Because so far, he seems to be gaming things really well, and I see no reason to think that will change.

I (and all of us) waited for what our justice system could do for four years. And it did nothing that mattered. I say again:

So, you’ll forgive me if I’ll wait until I hear about bank accounts being drained and that it has any measurable impact on the rate of progress at https://www.project2025.observer/ before I lull myself back into to believing Trump is in any way not untouchable.

[–] octopus_ink@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 weeks ago

I don't mean this to sound argumentative, but every time I make a statement like you replied to I feel like no one gets what I'm saying.

I understand there are reasons things take awhile. I understand our justice system is supposed to be set up that the state needs to make a solid case.

I also understand that Trump has managed to fall through every loophole in every layer of our justice system so far, and avoided any consequences that would cause him actual financial hardship, any sort of punishment whatsoever for his 34 felonies, and any kind of consequences for Jan 06.

So, NOW, when he's at the height of his power, I take no comfort from how our justice system can or should or might work. I will take comfort when I see it actually doing something to meaningfully impede Donald Trump and Elon Musk, which so far I have not seen.

[–] octopus_ink@lemmy.ml 21 points 2 weeks ago

The possibility of a US coup is becoming more real everyday with the Trump administration.

A US coup is becoming more real everyday with the Trump administration.

[–] octopus_ink@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

And judges will target his employees, until nobody is willing to break the law for him.

And when they do, I'll applaud for them as loudly as anyone else.

Until then, as they say, it's vaporware.

[–] octopus_ink@lemmy.ml 5 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (11 children)

I keep hearing arguments like this, and I'd love to be reassured by them, but they come after watching Trump receive 34 felony convictions with no actual punishment for those convictions, after which he was elected President of the United States of America. It also comes after watching a 4 year long failure to attach (or even try to attach) any consequences to him for Jan 06.

So, you'll forgive me if I'll wait until I hear about bank accounts being drained and that it has any measurable impact on the rate of progress at https://www.project2025.observer/ before I lull myself back into to believing Trump is in any way not untouchable.

There are a lot of things the system can do to stop something like this. So far it's not doing very many of them.

[–] octopus_ink@lemmy.ml 69 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Now convince the democratic party leadership that serving their constituents is more important that kissing donor ass.

Convince them of that, and the winning elections thing will solve itself.

[–] octopus_ink@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Not to be overly flippant, but it's very clearly Russia, IMO. We don't even need to wade into the current "Krasnov" discussion or talk about Trump on the Ukraine war to see it.

2021 article

The report, drafted by the CIA, the FBI, and several other agencies, was released in unclassified form on Tuesday, but it was presented in classified form on Jan. 7. In other words, it was compiled, written, and edited during Trump’s administration. It destroys his lies about the election, and it exposes him as a Russian asset.

Miraculously the report is still up: https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/ICA-declass-16MAR21.pdf

Ice Cube had it worked out in 2017 though. 😁

[–] octopus_ink@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 weeks ago

The "good" news is it's been stuck at 36% for a few days. But yeah, I see what you mean and had a similar thought.

[–] octopus_ink@lemmy.ml 8 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

That thing reads like they are trying to destroy social cohesion, the environment, and probably the economy.

It sure does. Almost like he was an asset of an adversarial foreign government.

Is it just me or is the US heading into an economic recession?

Everyone but Trump, 77million magas, and Musk thinks so too.


She said she was doing laundry at a laundromat near the Save A Lot with her father, Joseph Lee, when his arms and legs began to cramp up from an infection. He walked a couple of doors down into the Save A Lot grocery store to get some bananas because potassium would help relieve the cramping, she said.

She said he told her that he picked up four bananas, one of which he ate on the way to the register, and that he told the cashier that he needed to pay for four bananas even though she scanned only three. Anjelica Lee said her father told her he was followed closely while he was shopping by a white female employee, who, she said, accused him of stealing the banana he ate.

He told the woman that he had not stolen anything and that he had paid for four bananas, but she followed him outside and continued to falsely accuse him of stealing, Anjelica Lee said her father told her. When she noticed the commotion, she said, she confronted the woman.


There's a mad man lookin' at you and he wants to take your soul

There's a mad man with a mad plan and he's dancin' at your door

Oh, what to do, ooh, what to do when the walls are built to crumble?

There's a mad man with a mad plan and he waits for us to stumble


Ooh, but our eyes are open

Yeah, they're really open

(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)


I say we rob from the rich and blow down the door

Onto the next to dance with the poor

Jump on my shoulders

You can jump on my shoulders

We rob from the rich and blow down the door

Onto the next to dance with the poor

Jump on my shoulders

You can jump on my shoulders


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/26049299


A new poll found that 71% of Trump voters oppose Medicaid cuts, while 82% of all voters reject them. Additionally, 60% of Trump voters said cutting food and nutrition programs is unacceptable.

Medicaid has become a key issue as House Republicans push for up to $2 trillion in budget cuts to advance Trump’s legislative agenda.

Their resolution directs the House Energy and Commerce Committee to find at least $880 billion in cuts.

This raises concerns that Medicaid, which covers 70 million people—mostly low-income and children—could be targeted despite GOP leaders downplaying benefit reductions.

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