Hire a local artist to do a mural!
If you want to be a revolutionary fighter then you should find or form a local cell/group and train with those people. In that case you should buy and train with whatever their standard weapons are (probably a carbine length AR chambered in 5.56 as people are suggesting).
HOWEVER, if you are just planning to be a prepared individual able to get in and out of situations and protect yourself and your noncombatant friends, an AR and the necessary gear to support it will just make you a target. Instead, I recommend a PDW such as the flux raider or other compact 9mm platform. PDWs are much easier to build skill with than handguns, but also much easier to conceal than a rifle or carbine.
The most important thing is to determine your threat model and what types of operations you need to be training for.
edit- a note on ammo and magazine scarcity: don't worry so much about being able to scavenge ammo and mags. Magazines are $10, just buy a few once a month until you have 20 or 30. Same with ammo, just buy two or three thousand rounds and replenish as you train. If you find yourself in a situation where you have shot all five to ten magazines you brought with you, it was time to exfil three mags ago and it's a miracle you're still alive. Don't be in that situation unless you're in a squad with a dedicated ammo bearer.
I'm mostly a lurker but I just want to say I really appreciate you guys and the hard work you do keeping this instance going. I'm so glad to be able to use a server that shares my values.
And steal everything that isn't bolted down on the way out.
Do not write a phone number on your arm if that number could be used to identify you or your emergency contact. Defeats the purpose of all the other anonymizing steps.
Wow. I wonder if any similar retailers like Adorama are any better, I'll have to do some digging. Thanks!
Yes, although there may be better retailers out there. I am just very familiar with B&H from my job.
Same with electronics - instead of a smart TV from Amazon get an industrial TV from B&H or similar (they're the kind used in store displays like the menu at burger king etc)
Correlation =/= Causation etc.
Sales probably dropped because everyone who currently wants one got one over Christmas/winter sale.
Try jdownloader2.