
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 hours ago

I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but..

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Neither can cum, the rooster came first, obviously.

The more you know...

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 hours ago

sudo aptitude reinstall '~i'

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

Instructions unclear, now I'm stuck..

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

I was extremely nearsighted, I couldn't even (and still can't) see my own fingerprints past like 5 or 6 inches in front of my face before I got glasses.

So that made me the sort of kid that had to sit like 2 feet right in front of the TV to see anything more than a blur. Back then the televisions were cathode ray tubes, known to emit some radiation, so I wasn't allowed to sit close to the TV.

So, I basically never even got to properly see a television show or movie until age 8 when I finally got prescription glasses, which was about the year 1990.

After finally getting glasses, I was just simply amazed that I could see the leaves on trees and other details. Hell, I barely even knew what my parents looked like before age 8, I only knew how to identity them by the sounds of their voices and their shoes and keys.

The next 3 years or so, I found myself heavily interested in math and science, and learned quite a bit. But I still had never seen a baby up until late age 10 or early age 11, so still it never crossed my mind to ask.

Honestly I don't think I ever asked where anything came from as a kid. It was all a blur, things just existed, I never wondered where those blurs came from, they were just there.

Edit: After getting glasses, I absolutely knew my visual experiences and education were well behind, I knew there was a lot I needed to see and learn before catching up. But I didn't know what things I had missed to even be curious and ask about yet.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 hours ago

I'm 42 now, and have had plenty of time to catch up from those awkward years.

My vision has gradually drifted even worse, to somewhere around 20/500, but at least prescription glasses (or occasionally contact lenses) correct my vision pretty damn close to 20/20.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 hours ago (2 children)

I have no reason to lie, the school treated me like shit because I was an awkward kid, they thought I did it on purpose.

They also treated me like shit for failing their eye exam at age 7, which turned out to be the entire reason I was so awkward.

You know that big E on the top of the chart? Yeah, when they asked me to read the vision chart, I literally asked them "What chart, where?"

Rather than treat the situation seriously and inform my parents I was effectively blind and needed to get glasses ASAP, they accused me of 'acting out' because according to them I refused to read the chart.

Like fucking hell, I couldn't even see the damn chart!

Yes, having 20/400 vision absolutely sucks!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 hours ago (2 children)

Yes, that's no lie.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 hours ago

I actually had to look that word up, never heard that term before.

To answer, well it's both yes and no. You could definitely classify my childhood life and living situation as an 'insular community' of sorts, but not for the sort of reasons that might come to mind.

I grew up in the middle of a 40 acre horse ranch, along with a rather late diagnosis at age 8 of being extremely nearsighted. Without glasses, I can't see my own fingerprints past about 5 inches in front of my face, and I couldn't see a pile of horse shit until I found myself standing in it, no joke.

So yeah, even if they had 20 naked women dance around me, all I would have seen would have been blurs with splotches of pubic hair and some having a bigger chest than others.

Sigh, the ignorance of my childhood blind era, plus the awkwardness of the following years starting to catch up, were definitely the most awkward years of my life.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 hours ago (6 children)

Nope. Child neglect, they neglected to teach me such things. Parents, school, friends, neighbors, all neglected to explain anything to me.

Hell, they didn't even teach me that girls had different parts. I almost got expelled from school at age 7 because I walked into the wrong restroom. The school treated me like I was a pervert, when actually I was completely ignorant and innocent.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 hours ago

Yes, I read that part.

Years later I had a good talk with my parents to respectfully ask them why they never explained those things to me.

Their answer? They were waiting for me to ask them where babies came from.

By age 10, I had never even seen a baby before, so the question never crossed my mind.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 hours ago

I didn't combine two things. One thing led to the other.

I heard mom moaning, so I was concerned. So that's how I reacted, to go check on her. For lack of knowledge, what I saw led me to believe she was getting beaten.

The only reason I didn't go back in with a bat was because my dad was naked, which utterly confused me since I also thought it was abuse.

I'm 42 now and have long since learned the facts of life and all. But what I've also learned is that you can never assume that anyone out there got a 'decent' sex education when they were young, if any education whatsoever.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 hours ago (10 children)

Read my other comment.

I heard my parents going at it and thought my dad was beating my mom. He almost got a baseball bat to his head.

Yeah, when you don't know what they're actually doing, hearing them have sex can sound like dad beating mom, and I almost went to defend my mom.

For an ignorant child, hearing that activity can indeed be traumatic enough to make a kid want to defend their mom...


I dunno, I have ~~sex daily~~

I mean dyslexia


Literally anything else


Literally anything else


Asking as a product tester, how do you use it?


Even if it landed correctly, why would they plan a solar powered mission to the moon when our next lunar eclipse is in like 5 days?


Also, apparently baby oil is made with synthetic babies. I'm so disappointed, how do people live with all these lies? ☹️


Hey, if they really quit making them, collect!!!

'Murica! (lemmy.world)

Found this trash in the wild today.


Why are their images always blurry? My phone is sharp as a tack!


Buy now and invest!

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